Chapter 2: Meeting the Marauders

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I was sitting next to a girl with red hair exactly like mine. "I'm Isabella Venetra." I said introducing myself. "Hi, I'm Lily Evans." He girls said smiling. Everyone else introduced themselves as James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

A boy with slightly long black hair then walked in, and sat across from Lily. They had a private conversation, and then the boy said a little louder "You'd better be in Slytherin."

James then made fun of that, saying he'd rather be in Gryffindor. "My whole family have been in Slytherin." Sirius said. "Blimey, and I thought you seemed all right!" Said James. "Maybe I'll break the tradition." Sirius said grinning.

"My whole family have been in Slytherin as well, but I'm not really sure where I want to be." I confessed.

"Anywhere will be better for you than Gryffindor." Said the Snape boy. "What's wrong with Gryffindor?" James asked in defense. "Nothing, if you'd rather be brawny than brainy-" "Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?" Sirius cut in. James laughed, but Lily sat up and glared at James and Sirius in disgust. "Come on, Severus, lets find another compartment." She said as the 2 left.

There was bursts of "oooo"s and "see ya Snivellus". I thought it was rude, but these guys had let me sit in their compartment, so I stayed. We were getting close to hogwarts, and since I was the only girl, I had to go to the bathroom to change. As I was walking out, I bumped into Lily Evans. "Sorry!" She yelled, frantically helping me up.

"It's okay, that was all me!" I said as we laughed. "Sorry about before, how's Severus?" I asked. "He's okay, but those guys were jerks. I didn't want to be around them." She explained. "I'm sorry again, you're right, but I should get back to the compartment, we should be arriving soon." I said taking a step away from Lily. "See ya!" She said.

"Wait, you never said what house you wanted to be in?" I asked. "You're right, I guess Sev kinda answered for me. Well, I don't know, Severus tells me Slytherin is the best house, but I don't really think I'd want to be there. Maybe Gryffindor won't be that bad actually." She answered walking away. I smiled. Maybe I should take her advice.

We finally arrived at hogwarts, and Professor McGonagall told us everything about houses. We went into the great hall and the sorting began. A few names were called before Professor called out "Black,Sirius." Sirius went up and the hat was placed on his head. After hesitation, it called out "GRYFFINDOR" Everyone was beyond surprised. A Black sorted into Gryffindor. That was a sight for sore eyes. He walked over to the Gryffindor table.

Next was "Evans,Lily" After a few minutes, the hat announced "GRYFFINDOR" I could tell Snape was disappointed as Lily went to the Gryffindor table, and she looked back at him sadly, but there was nothing she could do. "Lupin,Remus" "GRYFFINDOR" "Pettigrew,Peter" "GRYFFINDOR" "Potter,James" "GRYFFINDOR" Next up was "Snape,Severus" the hat was barely on his head before it shouted "SLYTHERIN" great, now I'm gonna be the only one from the train besides Snivellus that's in Slytherin, I thought.

Many more names were called before Professor said "Venetra,Isabella" Finally. I just wanted to get this over with. I sat on the stool, and the hat was placed on my head. In no time it screamed "GRYFFINDOR"

A/N: ooooo Isabella's in Gryffindor!! How will she react? How will her parents react? Wait to find out!

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