Chapter 14:Vows

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Attention!!! At Julia's request I will now be updating every Thursday at or around 3:30 pm!

After the funeral, everyone seemed to lighten up, go back to their regular selves. Although it still was never the same without Marlene. Peter became more and more distant, but there was really nothing we could do about it. He would never open up about it, whatever "it" was that he was doing all the time. After work one day, me, Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius were all at mine and Sirius' apartment. While Lily was in the bathroom, James whispered to us, "so I'm thinking of proposing to Lily tomorrow." We were all so enthusiastic about that. Finally something happy happening. "That's great James, congrats!" Remus says. "Hey, she didn't say yes yet. Padfoot and Moony can you help set up?" James asks. "Yeah of course." Sirius answers for them. "And Minnie im gonna need you to keep Lily out all day. Can you?" He asks. "Of course! This is so exciting Prongs!" I answer. Lily comes back into the room and we all quickly change the subject.

The next day I take Lily to Hogsmeade while James gets ready. "Ready for our girls day?!" I ask as Lily walks out of her apartment. "Hell yeah let's go!" She answers. We apparate to Hogsmeade, and the memories come flushing back. It's weird being here and knowing that I won't be returning to Hogwarts shortly. Lily and I went everywhere. I had to keep her away from home for as long as possible. We went dress shopping, book shopping, anything I could think of. We stopped at the 3 broomsticks in between stores.

"2 butterbeers please." I order. "So how are things going with you and Sirius lately?" Lily asks me. "Great actually, I think we're in a good place. How bout you and James?" I ask back. "Amazing. I love being with him. It's just so easy." She says. She seems genuinely happy, and I'm glad she still can be even after Marlene is gone. After we went to pretty much every store, Lily complains, "we've been to EVERY store Bella, can we go home now? You know I love our girls days, but my feet are killing me!" I look at my watch. It reads 6:20. "Yeah, we can."

Lily and I arrive at Lily and James's apartment. Just as we walk up, Sirius and James walk out. James greets Lily with a hug and Sirius kisses me on the cheek. "I think we should get going love, pretty late already, don't ya think?" Sirius says with a wink, telling me that James is all ready for the big occasion. "Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say, and me and Sirius go home. I am surprised to wake up at 3 in the morning to a screeching Lily, banging on my door. I stomp out of my room and to the door, open it,  and scream, "Lily Marie Evans I swear it shut your mouth or I will have your head!" "Sorry Bell, I couldn't hear you over my huge diamond!" Lily says and gives me her hand. "Merlin, it's beautiful James. I would've calmed down a bit if I knew how huge this thing was gonna be." I say in amazement. "Wait, you guys knew?" Lily asked. "Course we knew, you really think good ol' Prongs here was able to to that whole thing himself? Only me and Moony could do that." Sirius says, coming out into the living room. "Yeah, and someone had to keep you preoccupied all day." I say with a smirk on my face. "Oh I love you guys!" Lily exclaims and hugs us. "Lils, I think our friends need some sleep." James hints. "Oh yeah, of course, see you guys later!" Lily says as her and James walk out of my apartment.

After work the next day, me and Lily go out for wedding shopping. "So, what's the plans for the wedding?" I ask. "We were thinking spring. Maybe April?" Lily suggests. "Sounds perfect." I agree. "I was also wondering, would you be my maid of honor?" She asks. "Me? But that spot was always filled for Marls, you two would always plan your weddings together." I say quietly. " I know, but Marls isn't here, so I want you Iz." Lily tells me. "I'm delighted Lils, but don't you want your sister to be your maid of honor?" I ask. "I've already asked. She of course said no. I don't know what else I expected honestly. She's never going to welcome me back with open arms." Lily says looking down. "Then I'd be honored to be your maid of honor!" I exclaim. "Yayyy thanks Bella!" Lily yells and hugs me. "I've already asked Remus to walk me down the aisle, he graciously accepted." Lily adds. "That's good, isn't it?" I ask once I see the look on her face. "Yeah of course, it's just that, I've been waiting 19 years for my dad to be able to walk me down he aisle at my wedding, and now he's not going to." She quietly explains. "Lil, I assure you that your dad is looking down at you, wearing the biggest grin on his face right now, because you have accomplished so much Lily. And anyone that's ever known you would be proud. I know I am." I say to lighten her mood. "Yeah, I guess so." She answers.

On April 15th, Lily Evans became Lily Potter. Although, in James's head, I know she will always be Evans. The ceremony was beautiful, and Lily was happy, which made me happy. I know that after the wedding, everyone expected Sirius and I to get hitched, but that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. We were both too free range to settle down. We were happy right now the way things were, and in my mind, that shouldn't change. All night, people were dancing, drinking, falling because of being too drunk, yup, a normal wizarding world wedding. Everything was perfect in this world, and I was glad we were able to enjoy that for now.

A/N: I definitely loved writing that jily wedding, but I'm sorry I didn't get to go into too much detail, I feel like that would've taken too much away for the whole Isabella point of view.

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