Chapter 4:Home

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First year went by smoothly, and I didn't even have to go home for the holidays. Sirius and I had stayed back at school and had a great time pranking people, although it wasn't as much fun without our other 3 partners in crime.

It was the last day, and Dumbledore had announced that Gryffindor won the house cup!! On the train my friends and I played multiple games of exploding snap, trying to keep mine and Sirius' mind off of being home. It was a nice gesture, but it didn't work. I was still terrified to go home to Venetra Manor.

As we got to kings cross, people were starting to flood in to pick up their kids. I wondered if my parents would even be here. Maybe they would just leave me here because they were too embarrassed of me. Not surprisingly, the one to pick me up was my house elf Bikney. We apparated home and walked up the long steps. I walked into the door shaking, scared to find out what might happen to me.

I walked in to see my parents both reading a copy of The Daily Prophet. "Hi." I said, my voice shaky. They ignored me. "Well, aren't you gonna say something?" I asked. "Like what, like how my daughter is a filthy blood traitor? No, I'm not going to." My mother replied. At that happy note, I went to my room. After that first night, things went back to normal.

My parents and I fought, I got the whip, I got scars. I visited James a few times that summer, and I did a good thing hiding the scars until one day in late august. I was wearing a long sweater that day but it was deathly hot. "Dear, why don't you take the sweater off, we don't want you to get heat exhaustion." Mrs. Potter said to me as James was visiting the loo.

"I'm okay Mrs. Potter, I'm really not that hot." I lied, though I can tell my sweat was visible. "No no no really." She saw right through my lie, and tried to take my sweater off. I fought to keep it on, but I lost. My arms were revealed to have terrible scars. "Dear, why happened?" Mrs. Potter asked. "Nothing, I'm fine really." I said, trying to put my sweater back on. "I think we both know I'm not going back to believe that." She whispers, and I tell her whats been going on at home.

"Dear that's awful, no one should be treated that way. I don't think it's safe for you to go back there. Why don't you just stay here?" She says when I'm finished. "I really appreciate the offer, but my parents will get suspicious." I worry. "I will clear everything up with the ministry, and then you'll never have to go back there ever again." Mrs. Potter says smiling. "Thank you!" I smile and run off to play with James.

Later that night Mr and Mrs Potter tell me that I won't have to return to Venetra Manor if I choose not to, and of course I choose to stay at Potter Manor. Maybe I'll finally have a nice home for a change.

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