Chapter 3:My Worst Nightmare

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I stay still. What just happened? Did I hear correctly or did the hat say Gryffindor? Everyone is silent. Sirius Black and Isabella Venetra both sorted into Gryffindor on the same day? I change my mind, now THAT is a sight for sore eyes.

I walk over  to the Gryffindor table and sit next to James. Oh well, nothing I can do now. I'll just have to wait for my parents to disown me. After the feast I am taken to my dormitory that I share with Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Mary. I learn a lot about my roommates that evening, and it's nice to finally have some people to talk to after 11 years of being alone.

The next morning at breakfast, my worst nightmare happened. I got a howler. "You have to open it, it'll only get worse if you don't." Remus tells me as I stare at the letter that'll scream once I open it. Sirius puts his hand on my shoulder and says "It's okay, we'll be right here." "Yeah, you don't have to go through this alone." James tells me. I smile in thanks and slowly open the letter.

"ISABELLA MARY VENETRA HOW DARE YOU BE SORTED INTO GRYFFINDOR. I AM SO DISGUSTED IN YOU. DONT EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE. YOU BETTER BE AS DISGUSTED IN YOURSELF AS I AM. I EXPECT YOU TO GO TO DUMBLEDORE AND HAVE A RESORTING RIGHT THIS SECOND." And with that, the letter tore itself to shreds. Everyone for silent as I wipe a tear off my cheek. All Sirius has to say is "Your middle name is Mary? Really?" I laugh and everyone joins in. Yup, these are my friends huh?

A/N: Sorry, I know it's a short chapter but it'll be better next time promise!

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