Chapter 21: A New Edition

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I still remember our last moments. Despite the war, we were always so happy. Even before we were apart. I met him when we were eleven, and now twenty five years later, we were torn apart by a stupid veil. I hear a scream come out of Harry's mouth, and I just stand there, stunned. Just last night we were the happiest couple on earth, and now he was gone. We would never get married, I would never get the chance to give him a cute surprise way to tell him he was going to be a father. We would never be able to raise a family together. That was all gone. All hope to us having a happy life together was gone. First Marlene, then James and Lily, and now Sirius. It was only Remus and I. We were the only ones left.

I don't even remember getting home that night. I just remember walking into our-my room and seeing all of his stuff. I remember just collapsing to the floor and Remus coming in to comfort me. I remember him rapping his arms around me and me sobbing, "He's gone, he's really gone." "Yeah, he is." Moony says, his voice cracking. I could tell he was holding back his tears for me. I must have fell asleep in his arms, because the next morning I woke up in my bed, and everything was different. My fiancé was dead, and he was never coming back.

Just a few short weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. I would be having Sirius's child, and he wouldn't even be there to see the birth. Everyone tried to hide how surprised they were, and they all acted happy for me. I decided the godparents would be Remus and Tonks. It's what Sirius would've wanted. It's what I wanted. That summer was different. I had no fiancé, no wedding, and no plans. And the worst part: I was put on bed rest for my pregnancy. Meaning, no work. So generally, I exploded. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO WORK?" I screamed the first day I found out. "First I lose my fiancé, and then I have to be reminded of him every day because I am carrying his child, and now no work." I say calmer. "Sorry Venetra, there's nothing I can do. It's too dangerous for you and your baby for you to work." Moody tells me. "Of course." I mutter as he walks away. "Nothing to do for Isabella, as usual." I say to myself.

Months pass with all for me to do is sit around and do nothing. Until one day in February. "Ow. Looks like you're getting feisty in there huh?" I say to my stomach and go back to reading the daily prophet. "Okay, not cool child. You need to stop." I say as the baby kicks again. "Wow, you are way too much like your father, you energetic baby." I say out loud again. "What are you saying Isabella?" Tonks asks sarcastically as she walks into the room. "Umm, nothing. Baby just getting its excersise." I tell her. A surprised look soon comes on her face. "Tonks, what's wrong?" I ask worried. "We're going to st. Mungo's." She tells me. "What, why?!" I ask raising my voice. "Because your water just broke on my couch." Tonks informs me. "Oh, that's a good idea then." I mutter and get off of the couch.

Tonks and I apparate to st. Mungo's as my friend sends a patronus to Remus at work. "What happened?!" Remus asks barging into my room. "It's fine Monny. I'm just having a baby that's all." I answer. "Bloody hell I'm having a baby!" The idea dawns on me. "Okay yeah, I can't do this. I need to go home. Like right now." I say and try to get out of the hospital bed, but I am stopped by contractions. "Okay Minnie, you are staying in bed and not getting up until this baby is born." Remus tells me. "Excuse me, as I remember last time you tried to tell me what to do you ended up with pink hair for a week." I remind him. "Yeah well that was when we were 12, and I've learned my lesson since then. But that doesn't change the fact that you're pregnant and you need to keep Sirius's child safe. Just for another few hours." He tells me. "But Moonyyyyyy....." I complain. "No but's. Now Dora and I are going to stay here until you have your baby, and then your baby will turn into everyone's baby and we'll all help you with him or her. Okay?" "Fine." I groan.

I am painfully in labor for the next TWENTY HOURS. And the result of the twenty painful hours AND the 9 months of bedrest was finally worth it. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on February 17th, 1997. She looks just like her father. "Have you decided on a name?" Remus asks me after I had gotten some rest. "Aubrey Venetra-Black. That's her name. It's the name Sirius liked. We talked about it after Harry was born. That was so many years ago, but I remember. He wanted to name his daughter either Aubrey or Siri-Bella, in honor of her parents. I went with Aubrey." We laugh together. "She looks just like him. She has his hair, he would be proud." I say and chuckle. "Isabella, you aren't going through this alone. You know that right? I'm here and Tonks is here, the Weasleys, Harry. Your baby is going to be so loved, she'll be everyone's baby." Remus tells me. "I know. I'm just glad I wasn't as annoying as Lily when she had Harry." I sigh in relief. Remus laughs. "Is that a joke? You were ten times worse then Lily!" He complains. "Well whatever I had to do this without a husband!" I shout. "Thanks Moony. For everything." I say quietly. "Anything for you." Remus says and kisses the top of my head as I soundly fall asleep.

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