Chapter 20: Can Life Get Any Worse?

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Sirius had to stay in hiding for a while after that, but by the beginning of Harry's 5th year, he was able to stay at headquarters, with me. That was the best part. We were able to stay together, finally. But, things were rough. A lot was happening, and we didn't know how to control it. And to make matters worse, Harry was in trouble. He was in a park with his cousin, Dudley Dursley, and there was a dementor, he had to use magic. There was no other way to defend himself. But the ministry didn't see that, so he was expelled from Hogwarts and would have to have a trial, to see if he would be able to return from school. He arrived at headquarters soon after Tonks and Moody and the others went to Privet drive to get him. He was happy to see the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius and I. It was such a relief to see that he was okay after the attack. Most people wouldn't be able to recover from that.

Harry wanted to know everything, and Sirius and I wanted to tell him. But Mrs. Weasley insisted that he was too young to know what was going on. That was a lie. He should know what his life might come down to, and it seemed no one else thought that he should know. I guess they didn't realize how short life really is. I spent twelve years locked in a cell, I watched many of my friends die, and I don't want Harry to have to go through that. But, no matter what anyone said, we ended up not telling him. But, he'll find out soon enough, Harry's smart. A handful, like his father, but smart. The next day, Sirius and I had a sit down with Harry. "We have something to tell you." Padfoot starts. "What is it? Did something happen?" Harry asks urgently. "No, nothing bad. We have a date to when we're going to get married." I reveal. "Really, when?" He asks. "Next summer. We want you and you're friends to be there." Sirius tells him. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys." Harry says and hugs us. He's genuinely happy about this. "Thank you Harry." I say. Wow. I'm going to be someone's wife. And I'm really happy about it.

Everyone seemed to be nervous about Harry's trial. Even though we all knew he deserved to go back to school, we didn't know how the other witches and wizards would feel. Arthur Weasley took him to the trial, and he had a lot going for him. Mrs. Figg was there to speak for him, since she saw what happened that night. Dumbledore would also be speaking for Harry. The news traveled quick that Harry was found free of all charges, and everyone was relieved. He would be able to continue his wizarding career just as planned. Soon enough, it's the day Harry goes back to school. Even though everyone thought it wasn't a good idea, Sirius insisted on coming. That's my stubborn Padfoot for you. Harry soon got on the train, and he was gone for the school year.

Months passed, and Sirius and I were happy. We continued to live at headquarters, planning our wedding. But having Padfoot as your groom was NOT easy. He had such a short attention span and would not cooperate, so we had to take things one step at a time. "Okay. Next thing." I say laying down on my fiancé's lap. "Noooo. I don't wanna. Just kiss me." He replies stubbornly. "I'll kiss you after we figure out more plans." I tell him, and he complains even more. "First, you're best man." I ask. This was a hard subject, because it was always expected to be James. "Moony." He answers. "Who's you're maid of honor?" Again, a hard decision, as the spot was always for Lily. "I've asked Tonks. The other bridesmaids will be Hermione and Ginny." I tell him. "I need to know the groomsmen?" "Harry and Ron." Sirius answers me. "Perfect. Place: the burrow. Molly has already told me that's okay." I inform him. "Sounds great love." Sirius says. "Okay, I think that's good." I say and get up to walk away. "Wait, Isabella." Sirius stops me. "What, Padfoot?" I ask. "You forgot the kiss!" He says and starts to chase me around the house. I start to run but he catches me. "Fine, I'll kiss you!" I yell and kiss him. "That's all I wanted." Sirius says and smiles. I smile as well.

It was finally June and I was getting married next month! I never thought that this would be happening. I've found the love of my life and we were getting married, in front of all our friends. The only problem, I woke up, and my fiancé wasn't in our bed. All day I searched and searched. I asked around, but there was no one who knew where Sirius had gone. Something bad had happened, I knew it. This was too easy. There was no way I could be able to actually be happy. Sirius was gone and I didn't know where he went. Then, I unfortunately found out where he went. "VENETRA, WE GOTTA GO!" I hear a yell, and I immediately run out of my room. "We've found Sirius. Harry had a vision. Voldemort was in it, with Sirius. Right now Harry and his friends are in the department of mysteries, we have to get there." Remus tells me. We all apparate to save my fiancé and godson, and it wasn't a fun time.

We arrive at the department of mysteries and immediately start fighting. There are tons of death eaters, and Harry and his friends are fighting them by themselves. The first thing we have to do is get the kids out of there, and then we save Sirius. I grab Ginny and Hermione while I see Tonks take Luna and Neville, and Remus talk Harry and Ron. We are almost successful. Almost. But we all break concentration when my eye catches Sirius dueling his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. As much as I want to go to him, I know that I would just make things worse. I see Sirius mouth something, and then Bellatrix says a spell, and Sirius's face goes blank. Harry screams and is held back by Remus. I go to run to Sirius, but Tonks grabs my arm. I feel tears stream down my face as I see Sirius disappear into the veil behind him.

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