Chapter 7:Jealous

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I was finally released from the hospital wing 4 days later, although I couldn't go back to classes for another 2 days, just to allow myself to get back into the routine of things. Lily helped me back to our dorm when I got released, everyone else having class. She looked a little tense, but I let it slide. She was probably just anxious for my return.

Lily helped me into my bed, and sat down on hers which was next to mine. "Do you have something to tell me?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Her voice squeaked. "I know you too well lil. There's obviously something wrong." I say. "Okay there is, but I don't really want to tell you." She says. "Lily just tell me because you know if you don't tell me then I'll just find out from one of the boys anyway." I tell her and laugh.

"That's true. Okay, so this is really hard to say. Over the past couple of days, Sirius has been dating this 4th year ravenclaw." Lily says very fast. My whole soul drops at that moment. But I obviously can't show that. "Why would I care? Sirius is my friend, nothing more." I lie. "But you kissed him Bella. You can't deny that you felt something." My friend tells me.

"Yeah I can, because I didn't feel anything. Listen, I'm tired and you have to get to class. I'll be fine, promise, just go." I tell her. "Okay, but just know that I much rather be here with you then in ancient runes." Lily says and smiles as she leaves our dorm. I laugh as a tear silently falls down my cheek. Why? I'm not sure. I didn't really have feelings for Sirius, right? I mean, I had just almost died when I kissed him, and I was happy to be alive. I just hope nothing is weird for me and Sirius now.

Well, my hopes didn't work. 2 days later, I started classes again. That also meant seeing Sirius again. We didn't even talk to each other anymore, and it was so awkward I hated it. The worst part was seeing Sirius with his 4th year ravenclaw. She was so she couldn't even do basic magic, how could Sirius ever like her? Every time I saw them together I felt this huge pang of hurt in my chest.

When I mentioned it to Lily, she said I was jealous. Yeah, okay. As if Isabella Mary Venetra would ever be jealous. It's just too unrealistic. But was it true? Maybe a little. It was a late night and Sirius and I were the only ones left in the common room. I got up from the couch to go to my dorm. It was too painful to be alone with him. "Wait, stay I need to talk to you." I hear. I sit back down next to Sirius, very tense.

"What is it?" I ask. "I miss us being friends. I don't know why we stopped talking, but I don't like it and-" I cut him off. "Are you kidding me? We stopped taking because we kissed and then you started dating an idiotic 4th year!" "This is totally unfair. You can't be serious. This is not all my fault!" He yells back. "OH YEAH, THEN WHY DID YOU KISS ME AND THEN START SNOGGING SOMEONE ELSE?" I explode. "BECAUSE I WAS SCARED THAT I WAS STARTING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!"

And then he kisses me, and our lips move together in sync, like they were meant to be.

A/N: oooo, they kissed again. What's gonna happen with their relationship next? How will everyone react?

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