Chapter 10:Bad Times

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7th year was rubbish, but it had it's good moments. Sirius and I were the happiest couple at Hogwarts, besides James and Lily. Yup, Lily had finally come around. The Gryffindor heads were the perfect couple, and James couldn't be happier, and I was happy for my brother.

Yet, there were parts of the year that weren't as good as they should have been. The war was getting more serious, Voldemort was getting stronger with more followers. They were calling themselves "death eaters", which is actually the weirdest cult name I had ever heard. Lily had sadly lost her parents in a death eater attack in her town. Several death eaters and Voldemort himself had killed her parents. Petunia thanks god had not been home at the time, and thugs accident should've brought the sisters together more. But instead Petunia just blamed Lily for their parents death, almost as much as Lily blamed herself.

The Christmas after the attack, Petunia got married to Vermin, sorry, Vernon Dursley. Lily, of course, wasn't invited, so she came back to Potter Manor with us. The Potters were delighted to finally meet Lily, the girl James never shut up about during the summers. It was a late mid January evening, and Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and I were hanging out in the heads dorm.

"Hey, does anyone know where Peter is?" I asked. "I don't know honestly, he's been very distant lately, haven't seen him much." Remus answers. "Hey, give the kid a break. It's probably his time of the month!" Sirius exclaims making James burst out into laughter. "Oh shut up. You guys are so immature!" Lily yells throwing a pillow at Sirius. "Yeah, but you love me." James says. "Yes, for some reason do." Lily laughs and quickly pecks James on the lips. "I should get up to bed. See you guys tomorrow." Lily says and goes off to her room.

"I should get going too, early classes tomorrow." I say, and get up to leave. An owl all of a sudden flys in through the window and drops a letter on James' lap. I sit back down. Something this late must be important. I watch James, and the color slowly drops out of his face. "James, what's wrong?" Remus quickly asks. James hands us the letter and I read:

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are deeply sorry to inform you that tonight, 17-1-97, your parents were killed in a death eater mission in London. Their funeral will be held on 21-1-97. You and any of your friends are welcome to attend. You are excused from classes the rest of the week. Again, very sorry for your loss.

The Minister of Magic

I finish the letter in shock. "Mate, I'm so sorry." Sirius says, clapping James on the back. This is awful. Mr
and Mrs Potter took Sirius and I in when we didn't have a family to go back to. And now they're gone, just like that. So easily, how could that be? "It's okay, I'm fine. We should get to bed. Early classes." James says, getting up from his spot.

"Prongs, it says hat you're excused from classes. You don't have to go." Remus tells him. "Nah, that's okay. I don't wanna miss. My parents wouldn't want me to get behind on my education right?" James says and half smiles. I see him walk into his room, and everyone leaves, not saying a word. It's too painful to even talk. Mr
and Mrs Potter were like my parents, and now so easily they just die. Those death eaters will pay the damage they've don't to my friends, mark my words.

I cry myself to sleep that night, waking Marlene, Mary, and Alice up multiple times. They say they don't mind, but that's just my friends being them. The funeral was that weekend, and James, Remus, Sirius, Lily and I all attended. Once again, Wormtail was no where to be seen. It was a depressing service, and I knew the Potters wouldn't have wanted us to be sulking around like this. But it was just how things worked. Families break and friends turn evil and people die. That's just how the universe works. Yup, these were bad times we were living in.

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