Chapter 16:And it All Comes Crashing Down

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Sadly, after that happy night in July, Lily, James, and baby Harry had to go into hiding. Voldemort had suspected that Harry was going to one day overrule him, and that freaked him out. So apparently going after and infant was the brightest idea to him. Don't ask me why. For the Potter's secret keeper, we chose Peter. We decided it would've been too obvious if it was me or Sirius, so Peter was the best we got. Since Lily and James couldn't keep up with all the wizarding war gossip, we often went to Godric's Hollow to catch them up and for special occasions. But, our first visit didn't go so well.

"WHAT? WHY WOULD TOU DO SUCH A THING?" Lily screamed at me as soon as I told her. "Well, we just think it's best if we wait until after the war is over, so that it can be a happy occasion where we can all attend." I repeat. "But Bell, I don't want you to have to put your wedding on hold just for me." Lily complains back. "It's not just that. I want our wedding to be calm and relaxing, with us not having to worry about death eaters coming to crash the ceremony every second. Just please Lils, we already made the decision. Just let it be." I beg. "Fine. But only because I wanna be there for it. But this wedding better happen right after this whole war is over." She says sternly. "Promise." I tell her.

The next following months weren't as miserable as they could've been. Lily and James seemed happy even though they were forced to stay in their house, all day and every day. One Halloween was the last one we would ever spend together. However, we had to spend it without Alice and Frank. Bellatrix Lestrange had used the cruciatus curse on them, looking for information. My friends, being the amazing people they are, obviously refused. Which sent them into a life sentence at St. Mungo's. Poor little Neville was left to be raised by his grandmother instead of ever getting to know his parents.

But, we all knew that our friends would've wanted us to enjoy life, but it was hard to without my best friends. I would often go to St. Mungo's to visit them and tell them what an amazing little boy they had brought into the world, I knew they would be proud of their son, even if he was only just learning to sit up. On Halloween night we all went over to James and Lily's house, and we all brought Harry a costume for him to try on for his first Halloween. Sirius, of course, had gotten him a puppy costume, Remus for him a simple, yet adorable little pumpkin suit. And agin Peter was no where to be found. Harry looked adorable in all of his costumes, but he definitely looked the cutest in the one I had brought for him. Much to Padfoot's dismay, I got Harry a little kitty costume, which caused Sirius to go into a complete outrage, but it was totally worth it. One of the best occasions was Harry's first birthday. We had all gotten together at Godric's Hollow. Sirius and I had gotten lil Prongs his first broomstick, one that he will keep the rest of his life, and one that will urge him to become one of the best quidditch players Hogwarts had ever seen, just like his family.

Unfortunately, just three months later, all our fun got spoiled. Sirius and I were getting ready to go over to James and Lily's house to have yet another round of baby Harry costumes contests. Just as we were about to leave, the call came. The call that would forever change my life. "Sirius! That was the minister of magic. He told me-um- it's James and Lily. They-they're dead." I say, breaking down into tears. "No, no they can't be." Sirius sobs, but then his face turns hard as stone. "You know who did this." He tells me. "Voldemort obviously. But he's gone now. Harry somehow survived and now he's gone." I tell my fiancé. "Yeah well so are James and Lily! And Pettigrew did this! He's the reason they're dead, because he couldn't keep our friends safe!" He shouts and storms out of our house. "Sirius wait!" I yell and follow him out the door.

I followed Sirius back to Godric's Hollow, and somehow lost track of him. I'm too distracted by how the house is in ruins. It seems hard to believe, that just a year ago we were all in that house having Harry try on all different types of Halloween costumes. And just a few months ago Harry was enjoying his first broomsticks that house, but now it was all gone. Lily was gone. So was Alice and Marlene. Now I really had no one to dance around with randomly, my best friends, the girls I had lived with since I was eleven, they were all gone. And James. He was gone too. James was my brother. His family took me in and let me stay with them when my family couldn't take care of me. They wanted me when my own parents didn't. And poor baby Harry. What would happen to him? Would he really have to stay with the horrid Dursleys for his whole life? There had to be a better life for him. Now I have lost everything. I didn't know it was possible to lose more.

While I was pondering on Harry's future, I heard screams and shouts. Some of the shouts were mine. I was shouting about how unfair all of this was. About how unfair it was for my whole family to be taken away from me. How unfair it was for Harry to have to grow up with those stupid muggles. I will fight. I will fight to get my godson back, I decided. I was going to make sure that he grew up with people that cared for him, and in the world where he belongs. Suddenly, I saw my fiancé being dragged against his will into a truck, and I knew exactly where he was going. No, they can't do that. I was about to scream that this wasn't fair some more, but I never got the chance. I was too busy passing out into someone's arms to try to save the love of my life-the only thing I had left. How could my whole life just come crashing down in just a few short hours? I don't know, but the last few memories I had of the outside world were my best friends crippled house, and my fiancé being sent to the worst place possible for wizards. Not the ideal last few memories. Next thing I knew, I was in this freezing cold room, and I didn't know how to get out.

A/N: oooooo cliffhangerrrrrr. I cried so much while writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it!

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