Chapter 11:Grads

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The next few months were rough, it was hard with the war expanding. Voldemort had even more followers than before. It was one of our last few classes before our NEWTs, and Professor Dumbledore had come into my Transfiguration class. "May I please borrow Mr Potter, Mr Black, Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew, Miss Evans, and Miss Venetra?" He asks. "Yes, of course." Professor McGonnagall answers.

My friends and I walk out of the classroom and follow Dumbledore to his office. None of us know what is going on, and our glances to each other say that. Neither me James or Sirius had pulled our big end of the year prank yet, so we couldn't be in trouble for that yet, unless one of our teachers found out what we were going to do. That was doubtful though, none of our pranks ever got caught. We walked into the office to see Marlene and Alice there as well. They both looked confused also.

We all took a seat and Dumbledore introduced us to Alastar Moody, an auror. We all introduced ourselves as well. "You're probably wondering why you're here. Don't worry you're not in trouble." He says. James, Sirius and I all let out a sigh of relief. Our prank hadn't been caught. Thank god. "You're here because I've noticed that you are all interested in becoming aurors. That's why right after graduation, other aurors and I ask if you all would come to auror training and become a part of the Order of the Phoenix." Moody continues.

"What's the Order of the Phoenix?" Lily asks. "My parents used to talk about it a lot. They're a group that's trying to stop Voldemort and his followers." "Correct Mr Potter. And we want you to be a part of it." Moody tells us. "So will you?" I look around at all my friends, and we all have the same thought. "Yeah, we will." I answer for us. "Great, see ya after graduation. Thank you for having me Dumbledore." Moody says and walks out. "I hope you know that as your teacher, I have to tell you the risks of what you just agreed to. It is a very dangerous job being an auror. It has gotten many of my past students killed. And the Order just as much." Dumbledore tells us. "Thank you for your concern, Professor, but we know what we are doing." Marlene says, and we all agree. "Okay, good luck my students." Dumbledore says with a smile, and we all walk out of the office.

Last day of classes. I just had to get through NEWTs today, and that's it. Then I graduate. But that wouldn't happen until our big end of the year Marauder prank. This prank also included Lily(against her will), Marlene, and Alice. I wake up and shake my friends awake as well. "Is it time?" Alice asks when I shake her. "Oh yeah it's time." Marls says when she's fully awake. "Guys I'm still not completely sure. What if we get caught?" Lily complains as she walks into her former room. "What will they do expel us? It's the last day of school Lils, lighten up." Marlene says. "Yeah and plus I've been waiting for this prank for months. We're finally gonna get to do our biggest Marauder prank of all time!" I yell. "Oh okay, but let's make it quick." She says and we race down to the great hall.

We all sit down with the boys, and wait for the magic to happen. "You put it in?" I ask James. "Of course I put it in." He replies back. "Did you really doubt us love?" Sirius asks jokingly. "Not for a second." I say and smile. "It's starting its starting!" Remus yells. We all look over at the Slytherin table and see them start to each drink their pumpkin juice. "This is gonna be good!" Marlene squeals. "This is gonna be bad." Lily complains once again. "No, it'll be perfect. Have some fun for a change will ya?" Alice says. "Um for me reading and studying IS fun." Lily replies. "Guys shush! Watch!" I say. All at once, the Slytherin each start turning to look like Dumbledore, and everyone is FREAKING OUT! It was amazing!

Slytherins start to scatter everywhere trying to stop whatever was happening. But sadly for them, the only people that knew were the Marauders, and we weren't planning on telling them. "Wow, that was great!" Sirius yells. "Okay, it was pretty funny!" Lily admits. "See I told you it would be!" James laughs and kisses her nose. "Good luck on the NEWTs everyone!" I say. After all the testing was finally over, I was exhausted. I fell asleep straight away. Tomorrow was graduation day. The most important day of our lives. No more school. But I really wasn't sure if that's what I wanted. It would be sad not seeing my friends every minute of every day, even though we did have auror training.

Graduation went perfect! Lily and James both made heads speeches and didn't mess up! I guess I would owe Remus 5 galleons for that one. James, Sirius, and I got awarded most detentions throughout the years, and I wasn't sure if I should be honored or offended by that award. I chose to be honored. We had a party in the Gryffindor common room, and by the end of the night, everyone was depressed. We didn't want to leave! "Thank you guys so much for these past 7 years. I really couldn't have survived without you guys and I loved you all for that. Good luck in the future everybody!" Lily says, and we all cheer to that.

Yup, me and my friends were finally grads.

A/N: so in case you didn't understand the big end of the year Marauders prank before, the Marauders put polyjuice potion that contained Dumbledores hair in it into all of the Slytherins' pumpkin juice. Oh no, the horror! And creds to jdirio21 for coming up with that prank. Go check out her page and jily story! Btw we reached over 1000 words, yayyyy!!

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