Chapter 18: Years Gone

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"Mom?" I muttered in disbelief. I realized that the other death eater was my father. These were the parents who had never really been parents to me. The people I hadn't seen since I was twelve. And now I was facing them head on. All the pieces came together. That's why this place seemed familiar. This was the basement that I had been dragged down to and whipped for the first twelve years of my life. The place where I had been called a blood traitor by my own family...I soon realized that I could mourn and wonder about this later, but right now I had to focus on getting out of this retched place.

I fought and fought my way through, and I finally made it to the fireplace. I grabbed my wand from the top of it. I reached into the cup dangling next to the fireplace and took out whatever floo powder was left. Hoping it would be enough, I shouted out the only place I knew. "HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY."

I remember standing outside of Professor Dumbledore's office, right before I collapsed.

I awoke to the smell of the infirmary. The smell of gross medicine and people recovering from injuries. But that was the smell I loved. It was the smell I smelt when I had my first kiss with the person that was my soulmate, the one one I learned to love with all of my heart, and he one that was forever gone...

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my realization that there was a whole crowd of people standing around me, both staff and students. I heard mutters of "wow"'s and "that's Isabella Venetra"'s. The thing that really warmed my heart, was two red-headed twins saying "she's a quidditch legend!" And "a prank master too!" It just warmed my heart for me to become such a quidditch and prankster role model for these young kids. Just before Dumbledore shooed all the kids away, I swear I got a glimpse of a child that looked oddly familiar.

"Ms Venetra, once you are released, I would like to see you in my office please." Dumbledore tells me. "Yes, Professor." I respond. As I was being released from the infirmary later that day, I decided to make some fun of the whole situation. "Hey, Poppy! Haven't seen you in forever!" I say to madame pomfrey. "Please don't call me that Isabella. I got it enough from you and your friends when you were kids here." She says to me, but it was hard for her to hide the grin on her face.

I make my way to Dumbledore's office and enter. "Hello ms Venetra, we have much to discuss." He says as I take a seat. "Just give it to me straight, how long was I there. How long were my own parents keeping me prisoner?" I ask quickly. "It was twelve years." He tells me. That hit me like a bus. Wow. I was really there for twelve years? I missed out on twelve years of my life. That makes me thirty three. Which makes Harry thirteen... wait, Harry's thirteen! "Sir, is Harry here?" I ask urgently. "Yes, we have not yet informed him, and he does not know who you are." Dumbledore answers hesitantly. "There is also one more thing you might want to see." He says as the office door opens. "MOONY!" I scream and tackle the person that comes through the door. "I'm so sorry you were alone all this time." I whisper before sitting back down, Remus sitting next to me. "I'm sorry you were alone in that awful cell." He whispers back to me. "I should've been there to protect you." Remus says all big-brother-like. "It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad you're here now." I respond.

"There is one more thing that you might like to know, ms Venetra. Sirius Black has recently escaped from azkaban." Professor Dumbledore tells me. He escaped. He finally did it. "He did it." I mutter, a grin playing across my face. "I would like to see Harry. Please, you can't keep him from me. He's my godson." I say, and Dumbledore nods. A few minutes later, Harry enters the office. "Professors, what's going on?" He asks, confused. He looks just like James, except with Lily's eyes. He's a spitting image of both his parents. It was nice to be able to see them again, even if it was only through their son. "Harry, this is Isabella Venetra. She's your godmother." Dumbledore says to him.

Yes, it was a lot to take in. So to cool off, Harry and I went for a walk to get to know each other better. "So you were friends with my parents?" He asked. "We were the best of friends. Your parents were always there for me. We were inseparable." I tell him. "It must be hard for you. I don't even remember them and it hurts that I miss them every day. It must be even worse for you. You actually knew them for ten years." Harry says to me. "Of course it hurts, but there's nothing we can change about the past. Basically all of my old friends are either dead or gone insane, and I've been locked in a cell for the past twelve years. But I don't like to dwell on the past, Harry, I rather just live in the present." I answer. "I suppose that you are right." Harry says, and we both smile, and then we talk to the rest of the day, like a normal godmother would do with her godson.

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