Chapter 12:Training

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A/N: I changed the cover! Creds to jdirio21  for making it, damn she's awesome isn't she? Go check out her jily story called "Stay"!

Starting that September, auror training took place. It was honestly the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. There were just so many rules and things we had to remember. And then there was the extreme amount of pressure. Everyone in the wizarding world depends on us aurors. We have to catch the death eaters so that they don't hurt heir families even more then they already have. Come January, we would finally be able to go on our first real mission! I couldn't wait for that.

The next few months were complete horror. All the responsibility of being to training all the time, doing everything right. It was just so much work. But it would all be worth it. The next few months passed, and they were total hell. But, like I said, it would be worth it. Christmas soon came. Since we had training the next day, we decided to spend it Lily, James, Sirius, Marlene, Remus, Alice, Frank, Peter and I.

It was an amazing Christmas. We had the best food possible:ham, mashed potatoes, sweet mashed potatoes, corn, for dessert:pumpkin pie, pumpkin pasties, chocolate mousse, ice cream, and the drinks:pumpkin juice (containing no polyjuice potion) and butterbeer. And it gets even better, everything was made by, wait for it: James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter!Unbelievable right? And the food was actually amazing! After dinner we ate our dessert in James and Lily's living room. We hung out, talked, played games, it was great. Just as we started to eat our dessert, Peter saw the time and yelped. "Oi! I have to go. Happy Christmas guys!" He squeaks, throwing his plate down on the table. Everyone is surprised as Peter runs out the door. After a couple seconds of silence, Sirius says, "oh well, might as well eat this. Don't want it to go to waste." He takes Peter's plate and starts to eat his pumpkin pie.

"Guys are we gonna talk about this?" Lily asks. "Yeah, will you guys stop eating. This is serious." I say. "No, I'm Sirius!" Sirius jokes. James and Remus smirk at the the classic joke. "Okay that's enough!" Alice yells. "Yeah, we really have to talk about what's up with Peter." Frank says. "Every time we are together, he always has an excuse to leave right at 7:00. What's up with that?" "Marlene's right. It's weird." Remus says. "Of course you would agree with her Moony." James whispers with a smirk. "Oh shut up!" Remus yells. "It's okay Rem." Marlene says and kisses him. Sirius whistles and Remus blushes but kisses her back. "Okay guys back to Peter!" Lily says. "I've known Peter for years. I think he's just weird guys." Sirius says, with and actual serious look on his face. "Yeah, can't we just enjoy Christmas?!" I ask. Everyone agrees and enjoys the rest of the night. It was the best Christmas I'd ever had. Too bad it was the last one we'd ever spend together.

January finally came and everyone was way over enthusiastic. We were finally going on our first mission today! Not one of those fake training ones, but a real one with real people and not stupid mannequins! It was the moment I've been waiting for ever since I decided to become and auror in 4th year. But for some reason, I had this gut feeling that something wasn't right. Like something bad would happen if we went on this mission tonight. But that was crazy right? I mean, I've been waiting for this moment for 4 years. Why should it be ruined now because in this stupid feeling? It's not going to, because me and my friends are going to rock this mission.

"When we arrive at the scene I'm going to need everybody to take complete percussion. This isn't like one of the fake training missions we do here. If you mess up, you don't get a second chance. If you mess up you die. And I don't think you wanna die. It's as simple as that." Moody instructs. "Let's go." When we arrive at the scene, I get that feeling in my gut again. What was going on with me? No, I couldn't think about this now. If I think too much, I'll die, just as Moody said, it's as simple as that. But it really didn't feel that simple.

Just moments after we arrived, the action started. There were at least 20 or 30 death eaters, and only 9 of us. (Me, Lily, Marlene, James, Sirius, Remus, Alice, Frank and Moody). Surprise, Peter didn't show up. What was up with him these days? Everyone fought as hard as they could, but there were just too many death eaters. What were we to do in a situation like this? I don't know honestly. In those moments, I completely forgot the past 4 months of training that I had, my mind went totally blank. I just kept spilling out spells as much as I can. I had to keep them off my tail. I all of a sudden hear a scream, and all of the death eaters apparate away. I look over to see Marlene on the ground, Lily holding her hand. What happened?

I run over, and so does everyone else. Remus goes to the other side of Marlene. Once I get a closer look, I notice a knife sticking out of Marlene's stomach. Oh god. This can't be happening. Please, no! "Marlene, what happened?!" I exclaim and run faster. "That crazy chick Bellatrix Lestrange threw this huge knife at Lily while she wasn't looking, and I wasn't about to let my best friend die with her back turned was I?" She says, gasping for breath through each word. "Marlene, I'm so sorry, I never wanted you to do this for me." Lily says, bawling her eyes out. "It's okay Lils, I would do anything for you, you know that." Marlene says back. "There has to be something we can do!" Remus says, him also crying his eyes out. Poor guy, he's just about to lose the love of his life. At this point we are all crying so much we can't breathe. "Maybe a spell or something." I suggest. Everyone starts thinking and muttering things we can do, but Marlene cuts us off.

"Guys, please stop. I'm going to die today no matter what you guys try. I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine. Promise you. Let me just say a few things first please? Remus, you are the love of my life and I can never thank you enough for these amazing past 2 years. I love you." "I love you too, my love." Remus tells her. "Then there's Lily, Isabella and Alice. You guys have been my best friends since our first day at Hogwarts. You guys are my sisters, and I hope you won't forget me and all our memories." Marlene continues. "Wouldn't dream of it, Marls." Lily says, tears streaming down her face. "James and Sirius, you guys were amazing to play pranks and get in trouble with. Thanks for everything." They both half smile to try to lighten her mood. "And Frank, you were basically the only one keeping our group semi sane, so thanks." "Anytime." Frank says. "Moody, you've been an amazing mentor, so thanks for teaching me everything I know, even though I won't be able to use those skills again." Marlene tell him. Moody nods respectively at her. "I love each and every one of you in a special way. Thank you for an amazing life. And I'm tired now, so I think I'm gonna close my eyes. Good luck in the future everybody." Marlene says, closing her eyes forever.

A/N: noooo, poor Marlene. I was crying the whole time writing that chapter, so I hope it's good because I was kinda bawling my eyes out while writing it:)

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