Chapter 19: It Hurts to See you Cry

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I started to grow close with Harry over the next few months, and Remus and I grew closer. Sirius was still on the loose, but we didn't know where he was, and he didn't try to make contact with us. I couldn't wait to see him again, if he even wanted to see me. We all decided it was best if we didn't tell Harry the truth about Sirius, it just would've been too much all at once. I was currently living near the ministry of magic so that I could continue my work as an auror, but I often visited Hogwarts to see Harry and Remus, and go update everyone about Sirius. It was hard to keep this huge secret from Harry, especially when he asked about James and Lily, but it was best that he didn't know quite yet.

One of the happiest days of my life was when the fat lady told us that Sirius Black had been seen in the castle. It was such a big relief to know that he was okay. No one knew how he got in, but Remus and I knew. "Should we say something?" Remus asked that day. "Of course not! What would we say, oh by the way, Sirius Black, the MASS MURDERER snook into the castle by turning into a black dog?!" I yell back. "I don't know, maybe." Remus mutters. "Moony! Snap out of it! We've been keeping this a secret since fifth year, and you just want to tell everyone now? Remus we can get into so much trouble!" I say. "I know, and I'm sorry I put you through this, it's just so annoying not being able to tell anybody." He says. "I know. Do you think he's gonna try to do something?" I ask. "Probably. I can't imagine him being here and not trying to see you or Harry." Remus answers honestly. "I guess. Anyways I should get home. Early day tomorrow." I make up the excuse to get away from this conversation, and I head home. Before I go to sleep, I twist the engagement ring that is still on my finger, wondering if Sirius really will come back.

Everything happened so fast. I don't know exactly what happened. All I knew was that there was trouble, and that, of course, Padfoot was starting it. What else was new? Remus and I rushed into the Shrieking Shack, right as Sirius was threatening Wormtail. Remus tried to calm him down, but there was no use, until he saw me. "Isabella?" He mutters quietly. "It's me." I smile and hug him like I've never hugged anybody before. "I've missed you Minnie." He tells me. "I miss you too."

"We trusted you! And this whole time you've been his friend!" Hermione shrieks. "It's not what you think!" I try to explain. Poor old Snivellus then comes in and tries to mess this whole thing up, but Harry disarms him and lets us continue. Oh, that's definitely James's kid. "Listen, we can explain..." Remus starts. Then he goes into this whole confusing story that is supposed to help everyone understand. Key word:supposed. "Okay-basically: Sirius is innocent and Peter is the one who gave Harry's parents up to Voldemort. Sirius was wrongly accused and was sent to azkaban and now wants revenge. We all do. Oh and by the way Peter is the rat that Ron's holding." I cut in. Ron yelps and lets go of the rat, and Peter transforms to his normal self. "Hello, old friends." All three of us immediately go after him. "Wait! Don't kill him!" Harry yells. I start at him in shock. "Oh thank you thank you!" The rat says. "YOU DARE SPEAK TO HARRY?!" Sirius screams. "Sirius, calm down." I say softly, and he calms down. "We'll take him to the castle. Then the dementors can take care of him." Harry finishes. Oh yeah, my godson. We all walk outside, but it was a bumpy ride.

Remus. Freaking. Transformed. Perfect timing Moony. "Remus, did you forget your potion?" I ask, but my question was answered when he turned completely. Sirius and I transform immediately and try to fight Remus off, keeping him away from Harry, Ron and Hermione. Wormtail transforms too, but not for the better. He scatters away quickly and I lose track of him, but my focus needs to be more important. Everything next was a bit of a blur. I lose track of Sirius again, which hurts. He almost died, I heard. But thank Merlin that he didn't. He just needed to leave. He had told Harry that we would be a family, all three of us, and I wanted it to be true. Someday, but sadly that day wasn't today. Sirius would be leaving on Buckbeak tonight, and he was going into hiding.

"I could go with you." I suggest. "No, you need to stay here. With Voldemort getting strong again, you're going to be need as an auror, you are the best after all. Plus, you need to look after Harry. He'll need you. I promise you I'll be fine, love." Sirius answers. "Okay." I whisper, as I suddenly break down into tears. "It was awful there Padfoot. I hated it. It was like I was twelve all over again. And I don't want to lose you all over again." I tell him. "I love you Sirius. And I want to marry you and raise Harry with you and start a family with you." I continue and finish with, "How am I going to do that when we aren't even together?" "We will be together. Soon, I promise. This isn't forever. I love you too and I want all those things with you as well, but it'll just have to wait a little longer. And please don't cry, love. It hurts to see you cry. I have to go now." Sirius tells me. "Okay." I say, coming to terms with this whole arrangement. "Just look at the ring on your finger, and you'll know that everything will be alright in the end." He tells me, and I nod and hug him again.

Sirius was right. We would be together soon enough. We just had to wait a little while longer. If I spent twelve years waiting for it, and few months more won't hurt. Plus, with Voldemort getting stronger again and with that sneak Peter on their side, I needed to focus on work. I needed to get my revenge for Lily and James and Marlene and Alice and Frank and everyone else that got hurt last time. We were all going to do it. Together. I watched Sirius and Buckbeak fly away with that thought on my mind.

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