Chapter 22: Is This the End?

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A/N: after this chapter, there will be a short epilogue, and that will be the finish of this story.

The next few months were pretty chaotic. Raising a child is not as easy as it seems. All Aubrey did all day was cry and whine. But I couldn't blame her, I was an awful mother. I've never done this before, and it was hard. It didn't help with the news that Professor Dumbledore died at the end of June. And you know who killed him? Snivellus, that's who. That greasy haired jerk killed him. It wasn't enough that I lost Sirius, but Dumbledore was killed just a year after. These death eaters can never get their timing right. That summer, I attended Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding. It was odd to have a celebration so happy during a time like this. But I suppose that was the point of the wedding. To take stress off of what was really going on.

The ceremony was beautiful, but of course it was interrupted by the information that the minister of magic was dead. It was crazy for us to believe that we could actually have a peaceful night for once. After that, Harry, Ron and Hermione had to leave and go searching for Voldemort's stupid horcruxes. Like he hasn't ruined my life enough, but he just had to go and take my godson away from me again. The next months were just planning for the final battle with Voldemort, and praying that nothing would happen to Harry and his friends, or anyone else in the wizard of world for that matter. But, despite all the stress, there was some hope and happiness.

"No way! Moony you're having a baby!" I exclaimed the day Remus and Tonks told me that she was pregnant. "Aubrey's gonna have a little playmate, oh they'll be best friends it's going to be adorable!" "Okay, Isabella calm down, you're being way too peppy right now I can barely recognize you." Remus scolds. "Sorry Rem, I'm just really excited!" I say. "We were also wondering if maybe you'd like to be the baby's godmother?" Tonks asks me. "Oh gosh of course!" I shout. "I'm so happy for you guys." I say and hug them both. "Yeah, we all need a little joy right now." Tonks says. "Now that is true." I respond. Soon enough, nine months later, Tonks gives birth to a beautiful baby boy named Teddy. "He's adorable. I can't believe he's my godson." I say in disbelief. "Thanks Isabella. I can't believe he's my own son." Remus says, and we laugh. It's good to have something like this now. We all need some happiness. Teddy and Aubrey are adorable together, they're best friends. That won't change, I can tell at only a couple of weeks of bing friends. But, of course, that joy doesn't last long.

At the beginning of may, it's time. It finally happens. Harry returned to Hogwarts, and would be facing Voldemort. It all happened so fast. One thing I knew, I was dropping Aubrey and Teddy off at Tonks's parents house. Leaving, I never knew if I would see my daughter again, but I also knew that this was something I had to do. I had to fight for my friends and family, for my old school. Only seconds later I had apparated to Hogwarts with Remus and Tonks, and the battle began.

I was battling a death eater, and they were good. I couldn't beat them no matter how hard I tried. I knew that if I couldn't beat them with magic, I had to do it with words. I managed to talk as I fought. "You know, you're here, taking over my school and my ministry. It's just a shame you've done all this but you're scared to take that stupid mask off." I tease. All so fast, the death eater takes off its mask and I recognize the face too easily. "Mum?" I ask in disbelief. It's the first time I've seen my mum since she and my dad kept me hostage for years. I hear her say stupefy with no hesitation, and I fly back as my mum apparates somewhere else. "Isabella! Are you okay?" Remus asks running over to me. "Yeah, in fine. It's just, that was my mum. I haven't seen her in years, it's just surprising. Whatever, I'm fine. Just be careful Moony." I say. "You too, Minnie." He says as we go our separate ways.

After hours of fighting, we have our break. There's bodies everywhere, people crying everywhere. I am alarmed to see the bodies of my parents, they were dead, and I didn't know how I felt about it. I didn't have time to feel, because I soon noticed that Fred Weasley had died, and then two other bodies. It was Remus and Tonks. Tonks was dead. Moony was dead. I rush to his side and start crying my eyes out. He was my best friend. The only friend I had left. And he was gone. It was just me now. I had to avenge all my friends. I would make sure that we won this battle, and that m friends are remembered.

After the break, we kept fighting. More hours go by, until we are all gathered outside of what is left of Hogwarts, and I see death eaters come up, led by none other than lord Voldemort himself. I see Hagrid carrying a body, and I know that it's not good. Voldemort shouts, "Harry Potter is dead!" Death eaters cheer, Professor McGonagall and Ginny both scream, and I just stand there. My godson was dead? It wasn't enough to take away Marlene, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus and Tonks? It wasn't enough to make poor little Teddy and orphan? Now Harry was taken away from me too? But it didn't stay like that for long. Harry is soon revealed to be alive. Yup, James's kid alright. Faking his own death for the sake of his friends. Coming up with a plan like that to trick the dark lord into thinking he won? Definitely.

All so suddenly, we go back into fighting until Harry beats Voldemort. "I always knew you could do it." I say to Harry, walking up to him later that day. "Ever since you were a baby you were tough. And I knew that if anyone can defeat him, you can." I tell him. "Thanks Isabella." Harry says and hugs me. "I'm glad you're alright." I say. "You too." He responds. "Now, I'm going to go see my daughter. I'll see you soon, Harry." I say and walk away. It'a been a tough couple of days, more like a lot of years, really. But the wizarding world was finally at peace for the first time in decades, and all I wanted to do at that moment was to be with Aubrey and Teddy, so that's what I did.

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