Chapter 15:A Bunch of Firsts

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In early November of 1979, we all found out that Lily and James were having a baby!! Whoever thought that Prongs would ever get the girl, never mind marry her and get her impregnated. I was so happy. I was finally going to be an aunt, even if it wasn't by blood. But who cares, it's not like the baby's real aunt would care about it. I'm the best it's got! I love Lily and all, but she was a total pain in the ass when it came to her pregnancy. She was always craving chocolate and pickles, sometimes even together. And that combo didn't help her nausea, so she made herself sick all the time. You would think wizards would be smart and come up with a spell for pregnancy nausea, but nope. We aren't that advanced yet, and that pissed Lily off. Don't even get me started on the mood swings. One second she'll be laughing having the best time of her life, then she would start crying and we would comfort her, then she would get angry at us for comforting her. How much more confusing can you get? Oh right, you can't. But other than that Lily was a peach.

Sirius and I had gone on a date in late July the following year. We figured we would be helping a lot with the baby, so we didn't have much time left alone together, and we had to celebrate the time we did have. It was a beautiful night. We went to dinner, then we took a carriage ride down the beach with classical music in the background, it was amazing. When we finally got home that night, it was of course all ruined, because I have a big mouth.

Me and Padfoot were on our couch reading The Daily Prophet when Sirius mentioned kids. Here we go. "Sirius, I don't think I'm ready for kids." I tell him straight out. "Why not? Don't you want lil Prongs to have someone to play with?" He replies with a grin on his face. "Of course I do, but that doesn't mean it has to be our kid. Alice and Frank just had their baby. He could accompany lil Prongs." I point out. "It's just that, I thought maybe you would've wanted one maybe." Sirius says. "Padfoot, you've known me since we were 11, you know I don't want kids!" I shout. "That was 9 years ago I didn't know you were still serious about that!" Sirius shouts back. "Of course it's serious. I'm not going to change just for you!" I yell. "Well don't you think once we're married you'll want kids?" Sirius asks more calm. "Who says we're getting married?" I ask in disgust. "You don't want to get married?" Sirius asks in surprise. "No, we are both way to free range for that!" I answer. "Well I'm glad you think that!" Sirius yells, slams a little box on the table and storms out of the room.

I bury my hands in my face, not wanting to look at the box. Well, I'll have to some time. I look inside and see what I've been dreading. A diamond ring. Bloody hell its gorgeous, maybe even prettier than Lily's. I immediately feel regret for what I said. Sirius deserves more than this. It's not right for things to be this way. I was about to apologize to my boyfriend, but the phone decides to ring instead. I pick it up and am immediately surprised by what I hear. "Sirius! Sirius come on we have to go!" I say running to grab my wand. "What's happened?!" Sirius half screams from the other room. "They're at the hospital. Lily went in labor!!!" I scream back.

We rush out of the house and apparate to the hospital once we get outside. "How is she?" I ask Remus when we get inside. "She's alright, James is in there with her. Alice and Frank are on their way." He answers. "Good." Sirius sighs in relief. Alice and Frank arrive and we all wait together. After what feels like hours, we are finally invited into the room by James. "I bet it's a boy." I whisper to Sirius as we walk to the door. "I'm telling you, it's a girl." He replies. We walk into the room, and I see a little blue hat. "Told you!" I say as I point to the hat. "Damn it." Sirius says and grins as he hands me 10 galleons, despite being mad at me. "His name is Harry James Potter." James tells us. "I love it!" Alice says, enthusiastic at the new baby to be company to Neville, who was in the carrier she was holding. "Do you want to hold him Bells?" Lily asks me. "Oh, I'm not sure, I've never really been around kids before." I say, very unsure of myself. "Oh come on Minnie, you'll be fine. Just hold my child." James tells me. "Okay." Is all I say as I hesitantly take the baby into my arms.

As soon as I touch the little human, I fall in love. He is the most beautiful I have ever seen. Maybe I really could do this some day. "Isabella, can you answer me!" Lily demands with a laugh, getting me out of my trance. "What?" I ask, completely oblivious. "We asked if you would be Harry's godmother. Sirius has already said yes to being the godfather, so I need an answer!" Lily says. "Oh, yes of course!" I answer and everyone cheers. I hand baby Harry back to his parents and pull Sirius aside. "You know," I say, looking at the happy family, "maybe being married and having a child won't be such a bad idea." I whisper and take the little box out of my purse. Sirius smiles and slips the ring onto my finger. "Hey everybody! Minnie and I are getting married!" My new fiancé exclaims and everyone bursts into happiness, including me, and lily no Alice both examine my ring. For the first time in my life, I am a godmother, a fiancé, and a possible future mum. Wow, a lot of firsts for one day.

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