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The very first thoughts that entered the unconscious young teen's mind was of the inky black darkness that completely surrounded him. He wasn't even sure if his eyes were open or not but that shouldn't have mattered too much, he was trained as a ninja and was supposed to be used to working in the shadows but he was a...special case.

All throughout growing up he was told that sight was his families strongest area, it was what they had been famous for and his relations with them was what made him unique amongst the common folk and fellow ninja alike, but he had never even thought of the possibility of not being able to use his eyes, his one true ability. These were the only thoughts running through the boy's mind until whatever haze that had plagued it had lifted enough for him to actually start taking in his surroundings.

He first started to move to see if he had any sort of restraints on him, his movements slow and measured. To his relief there weren't any on him and he started to wonder why he hadn't tried moving before but had more important things to do then try to figure out the reasoning behind his earlier actions.

Slowly, he tried to stand, but found it oddly difficult to do, his limbs trembling violently. He settled for sitting up as that alone was difficult and took what felt an hour, or was it really that long? When he thought about it, his assumptions of time began to drift and twist, perplexing him further into a state of mental confusion.

He moved his hand over the ground cautiously, feeling what he assumed to be either a dirt floor, or a wooden one coated in a thick dust. His strength had returned eventually, his limbs no longer refusing his command and shaking. He rose to his feet, this time successfully, before carefully taking a few steps, the floor beneath him creaking loudly indicating that it was, indeed, a wooden floor.

A wall. He needed to find a wall. There had to be one right? He took one step, and even in the odd inky darkness, and even with his training in stealth, anyone in the room would be able to track his every movement.

He tried his best to be silent as he walked, but no matter what he did, no matter how quiet his actual steps were, the rickety floor board creaked loudly, revealing every change in position he made.

He eventually found a wall and carefully felt the material to make up for his current blindness. It was wooden in some places, jagged in the areas surrounding the wood, and then almost smooth everywhere else. The smooth areas reminded him of wallpaper, and if he had to guess, the other areas must be were where it had peeled. An idea had finally struck him and he had to reframe from hitting himself for not thinking of it sooner; fire. He could easily use a fire jutsu to illuminate the room to find the door. There had to be one, right?

Why hadn't he thought of his flames before?

He formed the needed hand sign and quickly molded his chakra but found it sap away from him instantly. With a feeling akin to the breath suddenly being stolen from his lunges, he fell back to the ground. The second his body connected with the floor, an empty eco resounded lowly throughout the long room, continuing on before eventually dying down. The boy realized just how large the room was, it echoed for an entire minute! It took him what felt like hours to find the wall, and now he had to search the entire room for a door?

He stood up again and started walking with a bit more difficulty than before, likely due to the lack of the ever familiar chakra flowing through his veins, but he pressed on. He was many things, but a quitter was not one of them. He would persist!

His footsteps echoed over the smooth tiles that covered the floor, the echoes far sharper than they had been before, much less hollow, no creaks sounding.

Smooth tiles, not wood. At this realization, he reached his arm out and carefully found the smooth wall. Bewilderment, disbelief, and shock flooded his system, causing fear at what was happening, at what he couldn't understand. Fear of whatever might be capable of completely changing an environment in a mere moment, with no time inbetween, no flash of chakra or heat or light to show that anything had happened.

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