Naruto's Decision

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Naruto went into the main part of the Burrow, near the higher levels in original position, though it was far more wide than most of the other tunnels and passageways. This area was directly connected to most of the other main areas and was the fastest way to get to your destination inside of the maze-like structure. He was walking through when he heard a high ringing that made his ear drums vibrate softly, though not uncomfortably. It was quiet, and at a frequency just on the edge of hearing for most humans, but it was there, noticeable to only those who paid it any mind.

The sound was part of the alarm system that had been set up to warn the Burrow's occupants of a range of different things, though that system was under maintenance to be more easily used, something about energy waves...

This pitch in particular was meant to let those who didn't want to see blood avoid the area where the sound was loudest or most noticeable.

He followed the sound with interest, intent on viewing the spectacle of someone else's finished hunt and captured prey. He found an area that had been crowded with many creatures, centralizing around one of the buildings built into the wall. He neared them, eyeing the building with interest and quickly understanding what is was.

This was one of the buildings that specialized in harvesting the edible parts of the prey's body for the one who submits them, though not everyone preferred theirs butchered in such a manner, Naruto shifted into one of his other forms so that he could get through the crowd easier, he wasn't the only one that wanted to see, but his size and agility made it easy for him to pass through to the front. His eyes widened at what he saw.

A white mountain lion/lynx hybrid with black freckles running over his back and tail had a full grown human adult strapped to a metal table with his stomach ripped opened from a bite, though their neck was turn terribly and various other parts of them were marred with claw marks. The person's face had been bitten off and the person had been mangled beyond recognition.

Naruto's eyes defocused as his mind drifted into fanciful ideas, his mouth pooling with saliva. He had made his decision.


Once open a time, the time varying per plane of existence, there is a simple, innocent game.

A man walked through the darkened streets of Konoha, unaccompanied by the presence of another. The streets were illuminated only by the oil lamps that hung from high metal poles, the neighboring houses being less than pleasant looking, small and untidy. This was the outskirts of the red light district, and only one man walked through the streets, alone in the dead of night.

The game itself is normally harmless, it's if you break the rules that you need to be worried.

The oil light lamps began going out one, by one, the shadows slowly creeping closer towards the man, before engulfing him in darkness. He squinted, confused, and adjusted his eyes to the bare illumination of the stars, the new moon granting him no assistance as it hid itself in the dark sky.

You may have heard of this game through the whispers on the streets,

The man payed the darkness no more thought, quickly diving back into his own world, too deep to notice or care of the noises, or rather, the lack there of, as he journeyed to his apartment. The crickets were silent, their harmonies of chirps absent, as though smitten with the darkness, or by the fear of what lurked within it.

But these whispers are nothing but gossip,

The man had arrived at his apartment building and began walking towards the third floor, where his home awaited him.

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