Feeding Frenzy

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Kurama smiled in sick excitement as her work was finally finished, or rather, the more immediately important one. She had chosen three realms perfect for her kits to feast on, she couldn't help but feel as thrilled as a child on Christmas at the moment as she flooded the system with the "Wake Up" formula of chakra. Soon they would all arise and soon things would get back on track. With an excited grin, she watched as they slowly began to poke their many heads out of their separate holes to see her, they did always seem to know when she wanted to tell them so,etching after all. She wasn't in her more human form, instead of that she was in her all out demon form, a gigantic nine tailed fox. She caught the eye of one of them and gave him a small smile, though it went on as a terrifying show of teeth large enough to easily tear into a whale with minimum difficulty. The much smaller demon smiled back at her, unsure of the cause of the current meeting.

Once Kurama felt that all of them were present she cleared her throat and began to talk, though how such sound was possible with her lack of perfectly functional lips was beyond her, and she gave them all a small speech of their recent sacrifices and loyalty to her during the dark time that had been passing.

By the time the speech had finished, it was plain to the many demonic creatures that they had been asleep for longer then they had all intended but more importantly was the fact that they would get to finally quench their hunger. When Kurama gave them the go they zoomed past her in a large blur of a multitude of colors to the manny exits that had been built in, right wee the old ones had once been. Kurama looked at them all with a hint of glee in her eyes as she felt a wave of satisfaction pass her.

~Unknown Place and Time~

A lone person walked through a street on the less-then perfect part of the city, headphones in her ears and blaring their loud beat loudly in a way that drowned out all and any of the unnerving yet common sounds from nearby gangs.

"From under neath the trees,
we watch the sky,
confusing stars
With satellites,"

The people of the city had apparently given up on this area as a whole, marking it as unfixable and a waste of time. No one bothered to write a missing report here or press charges on others in a legal manner, no one ever helped anyway. The girl turned up the volume up even higher then it had already been moments before hand if that were at all possible, to try to drown out the unpleasant thoughts of what had been happening, what she would need to do now to survive in this world, and where to go from there.

"I never dreamed,
That you'd be mine
But here we are,
We're here tonight
Singing amen
I am alive,
Am alive
Singing amen
I am alive"

She had lived with her older sister who had lived off of a life of prostitution to support them both but....sometimes life is a little bit messy. Sometimes people get hurt. Sometimes people die.
The lone girl never noticed that she was no longer alone in the alley she had decided to use as a shortcut, a humanoids shadow followed her with unneeded stealth.

"If everyone cared
And no body cried,
If everyone lived,
And nobody lied,
If everyone shared,
And swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day....
When nobody died
And I'm singing
Amen I
Amen I
I am alive
Amen I
Amen I
I am alive"

The shadowed figure watched with barely controlled excitement as the ignorant girl walked herself deeper into the alley to what he had dubbed a dead end, she had been so out of focus that she had taken a wrong turn without yet noticing the  difference in street. The shadowy figure walked past a dimly lit light that aluminates his being for a mere moment before its light flared brightly as the bulb exploded, the light vanishing, but not before it had the chance to illuminate the figure and show him as a young teen with blonde hair, yellow eyes, and whiskered cheeks. His clothes consisted of an orange sweatshirt and a pair of blue jeans, a black chocker around his neck that almost resembled a thin collar if not for the multiple, circular tags. The hidden blonde licked his lips slightly in anticipation as he followed the girl, his patience thinning and speed rising until he was right behind the unaware victim. She stopped suddenly, her stalker immediately stopping before he would have bumped into her, and she looked around as she finally noticed the dead end.

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