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-No one's POV

Everyone in the room froze as they heard the sound of a loud bang, as if something broke, and looked around the room to see what it was.

"What was that?" Neji asked, wiping around to face the others, no one had an answer but even if they did they wouldn't have been able to answer. A loud, unhumanistic howl echoed through the room. Everyone looked but couldn't find the source of the sound, but they did notice something else.

"Where's Hinata?" Sakura asked as she looked through the room's occupants. No one had an answer, the room was a dreary quiet until a loud, viscous roar of pain echoed from the other side one of the shelves. Ino was looking hrough the shelf with her flashlight before gasping, another roar of pain sounding as she pointed the bright light at it through the gap between the layers of the shelf.

"What in the name of Kami is that!?" Ino yelled when she saw it. The creature seemed to recede some from its spot and hid in the shadows

"Nock it down!" Kakashi yelled before Lee suddenly kicked it, it fell down with an almost fallow bang on the floor, the sound seeming to echo. With the shelf no gone, the creature was in the view of all of the room's occupants. It had sleek, dark purple fur that covered its long body. It had green eyes that glared atIno with venom and hissed at them. It had shinny claws that seemed to be made of steel. It had snake like fangs and a mid-long, bony neck and short ears that were tipped with a dark blue. The creature hissed at them and leapt at them, making the distance easily with its long, slim limbs. Before it could attack, and before anyone could do anything, another creature flashed up the stairs and grabbed the other's tail before slinging him down, looking back at them and growling loudly before diving down the large stairs with its large wings.

"Ummmmmm what just happened?" Choji asked before noticing that Hinata was bleeding. They rushed her to the hospital as fast as they could. She seemed to have lost much more blood than that kind of wound normally would and had passed out from blood loss.


Shizune walked into her office, being the official head of the hospital and emergency care unit gives you one after all. Tsunade had originally planned to be the head of the medical unit, from ninja medics to the hospital, but ended up being blown away by the duties of being the hokage. Shizune would normally be babysitting the hokage and making sure she didn't become so wasted that she was incapable of any actual work but Tsunade had been busy with a meeting with the Gaara of the Sand so she actually had a chance to do her job. She had been drinking a cup of tea, on her brake, when a nurse ran into her room and told her that there was an emergency that needed her assistance immediately. She rushed to the room that she was directed to as fast as she could and, considering the fact that she was a ninja, that was pretty fast. When she reached the emergency entrance and saw a group of ninja and one girl that looked around Naruto's age, but she had been carried by one of the older ninja from the group. She was bloody, that much was clear, and had a noticeable lack of flesh and blood over a part of one of her shoulders. She strange into action and ordered the ninja whom carried the bloody girl to a hospital and worked towards getting rid of all of the chaos that had suddenly presented itself to her normally calm working space.

-Shizune's POV

I ordered some of the nurses to bring certain supplies to the girl's room before ordering the remaining ninja to either leave or relocate towards the waiting room. Once the space had been cleared of the unwanted crowdedness, I went to the hospital room and began working. One of the doctors was already working on getting a blood transplant for the girl, who I was informed was named Hinata, and then began working on fixing the lost patch of skin and flesh. As I looked it over, I noticed that it had been just a bit deeper then the top of the muscle, multiple strands of muscles tissues had been torn away like cut strings. This was NOT something that I can fix with just a needle and thread, I'll have to use medical ninjutsu. I raised my hands over the missing flesh and let my hands gain a light green aura made out of chakra. I carefully applied more chakra to my hands and watched as the muscle began fixing itself and the skin re-aligning and the cut becoming smaller and less deep. I cut the energy to my hands once the gash was doable, I can't just completely age her arm and heal it all of the way, that would cause major problems later on in her life! I carefully examined the injury and noticed something strange in the edges of the torn skin, was turning green. Had I not noticed it earlier? I probably just overlooked it when I was healing her, seeing as healing chakra is green and I can't see the colors clearly through it. I took a blood sample and quickly checked it for anything wrong. I found some sort of venomous liquid, but I have no idea what it does. I can't take the chance of it not being harmful, I'll have to remove the more contaminated areas of skin.

"Ok Hinata, I don't know if you can hear me, but here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to sedate you for a while so that you don't wake up. Then I need to remove some of your skin. Let's just hope that it takes care of whatever this is." I said before grabbing a syringe and injecting the unconscious girl with the liquid and waited for it to kick in, I don't want her waking up from the pain when I start after all. When I checked her heart beat and saw it quiet down a bit more I knew that the medicine had activated. Grabbing a scalpel, I carefully looked at the different tissues for anything else wrong, and slicing away the green skin and tainted fat underneath. The cuts that I was making were all thin and small, it hadn't spread much yet, and I was glad that her healing wouldn't take too long. I carefully stitched it up before putting a bandage wrap around her shoulder and armpit. After that I pushed my chakra into my hands again and carefully sent it through her body to check for any other injury. It was all going well until my chakra suddenly bounced back to me unexpectedly in some of the chakra points in her hands. I inspected them and the chakra points in them and eventually found out that each and every point in her hands were blown, as if they had been shocked by the inside or...as if her chakra hadn't been able to leave her body when she wanted it to. Realization struck me and, once I fixed the young kunuchi up completely, I ran to find Lady Tsunade. No one asked as I ran through the hospital hallway, this was a normal activity in all honesty, what with all of the crazy events that seems to happen here. I quickly made it to the front entrance and ran out, heading straight to the Hokage Tower. Someone has to tell them, they have to know! I had stopped to catch my breath, had I gotten out of shape? I know that I had been working at the farther of the two hospitals in the village, the one that was the farthest from her current desperation. I made a few more huffs and had been just about to start running again when I heard a sound, one that made my blood run cold. It was just a simple sound of a light bulb going out, or rather, the sound of a light bulb exploding and casting me in sudden, unexpected and unnatural darkness. "No..." I said and noticed my chakra starting to slowly disappear, becoming numb to me "No" I started off again in a full on sprint, trying to beat the darkness that seemed to follow me as the darkness tried to consume me in its deadly, sharp, and unforgiving jaws.

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