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//A:N// Hey guys! I can' believe that I almost forgot that Sasuke was gone in this fic, almost put him in it.....had to edit him out......but I have a question for you people: do any of you want Sasuke to come back? Anyone want Itachi to figure out a way? I actually do have a way for that to happen in the plot but that's, for you people to decided! If no one votes then I'll do whatever the hell I want to based on the plot. Limited time offer people, want some Sasuke? Tell me!

-A few hours earlier
-With Naruto

Naruto growled as he scratched at whatever was nearest to him, his bed, and felt his claws dig into the cloth like a knife through warm butter. His entire apartment was covered in deep scratches wall to wall, anything and everything was marked with deep scratch marks. He looked down at his bed again, it was destroyed. His pillow had been torn and chewed to pieces of cloth and old feathers which littered the room, som pieces still in the air and slowly falling to the ground below. His stomach growled, sending small, intense waves of pain through his body, and he growled again. They weren't allowed to eat anyone else in Konoha due to the fact that they had gotten rid of two thirds of the population. They knew better then to eat them all, they didn't want genocide of the Will of Fire. With another painful growl, Naruto lifted his arm up to meet his face and bit down. Ignoring the immediate pain, he ripped off the piece of flesh and chewed lightly, leaving a large bite mark out of the flesh and muscle. The flesh did nothing to rid him of the hunger, it only made it worse. Demon flesh is harder to digest then human flesh, same thing with souls. Naruto groaned at the pain in his stomach and arm. There was a gasp from inside of Naruto's mind and a flash of red light

"What are you doing?!" Kurama screeched as she looked at his arm in horror. This problem was getting out of hand and fast. Her eyes glowed and Naruto felt like barfing, his mouth opened and the chunk of his own flesh came out, glowing a bright red color. Kurama took the barely-chewed flesh and levitated it to where it belonged. It melted into the bite and fixed itself with no noticeable scaring, Kurama sighed deeply as she picked up her kit and teleported back into the Burrow. She couldn't let them continue to do this to themselves, she had to do something and fast. An idea struck her and she flooded the pipelines that connected her to her many kits with chakra. This chakra was designed to put them to sleep until she sends them a different formula of the energy, plus it would dull the hunger and prevent it from growing while they slept. It would give her enough time to think up a solution for this, she already had some ideas too.

Kurama sighed as she set Naruto on his bed, he was sound asleep. She had to go from the back door due to her not having any wings to fly out from the high level, every single one of these rooms were connected to a tunnel that connected to every single other one, a very confusing tunnel if you were not one of them, and she was able to navigate the tunnels with ease. When she got to the large empty area of the Burrow she could see that all her kits had done as she thought; they were all going to their den to rest, none of them knowing that they would not wake from their sleep for some time. None of them had any truly important work at the time, she had only given them very small jobs to do and stopped the interaction with human beings a while ago to prevent any accidents. Though this was true she had work to do, lots and lots of work. She had to cut the ties with humans to her darlings and make it seem like none of them had ever existed. Next she had to fuse the walls with her energy, construction would go much faster if she did that faster, and she had to view he destruction of the tunnels that led to the outside worlds and change them to portals. She also had to find a new food source for her kits, her energy would not be enough at this point, and she had to do it fast. The food source had to be large enough for them all and could NOT be a in the territory of any other demon clan. With another sigh, Kurama returned to work.

-With Kakashi

Kakashi looked at his one student with a slightly annoyed as his record of "longest period of being tardy" was broken by his third student who has now been late for three hours longer then himself, which made him eight hours late to today's mission. Kakashi sighed as his timer beeped and he wrote something down on a small notebook.

"Alright Naruto, point taken. You can come out now!" He said loud enough for the supposedly hiding blonde to hear. He had assumed that this was all just some joke on himself, it was April 1st after all, so when no one actually came out to take the credit he was rather confused. "Naruto?" He asked again in the same volume

"Sensei, I don't think Naruto is here..." Sakura said surprisingly quiet. She had become a lot less loud and rude after the death of her mother and had actually taken to taking her practice more seriously. Kakashi wouldn't be all that surprised if the poor girl was in depression after the recent suicide of her father. She lived with Ino now, the two got along greatly without their past crush around to tear them apart and they had formed a powerful bond. Kakashi sighed as he pocketed the notebook and clock and motioned for the pinkett to follow him.

"Then we need to go get him, this is going be our first mission in over a month and it is best to do it as a team." He said in his usual lazy tone. She nodded and the two headed down to the darker part of Konoha. The two soon made it to the apartment complex and made it up to the blonde's door, Kakashi knocked on the door three times.

"Naruto? Did you over sleep or something? We have a mission to get to." Kakashi yelled in a talking tone. No answer. No shout of surprise or any sound emitted from the building. Kakashi nicked three more times to no answer.

"Naruto hasn't pulled any pranks today." Sakura said suddenly with worry still in her voice. Kakashi's  eyes narrowed slightly

'Now that I think about it, I haven't heard of any recent pranks from Naruto specifically. This is cause for worry, he might have stopped prancing people on a daily basis but the "Fox King of Pranks" would never pass a good excuse to pull a prank or two.' Kakashi thought to himself, nocking on the door one last time before smashing the door down and looking in. It had opened easier then he had thought it would, meaning that it hadn't been locked. His eyes widened at the sight of the inside of the small apartment. "Sakura" he said, gaining the attention of his remaining student "Go get Tsunade"

-twenty minutes later

Tsunade looked at the gashes that coated the inside of her favorite gaki's apartment with horror. She had thought that the attacks had stopped, that there would be no more need for worry, but it seemed that she was wrong. There was very little blood found; a small puddle that had stained the destroyed blankets on the ruined bed, but the destruction made it clear that she would never see Naruto again. Her eyes became wet and she took a shaky breath, trying not to collapse right here and now with grief. She failed at this attempt and fell to the floor as tears spilt from her eyes more then she had ever known possible.

"H-He's gone" she whimpered aloud 'and he's never coming back' Ibiki let her cry and Anko looked at her in pity, she herself had loved the brat as well but knew that there was nothing she could truly do, she knew there was no use in crying over something she couldn't change.

"The best we can do is to make sure that this never happens again." She said aloud for her coworkers and leader to hear "he wouldn't want us to mourn so stop crying, he would hate to see you like this." She said and almost winced at how cold the words felt on her tongue but knew that they needed to be heard.

"Anko!" Ibiki said in surprise

"If you want to honor him then help make this village stronger, if not for us all then for him." She said a bit quieter and Tsunade nodded before slowly standing and wiping her tears away. With that done, they all went to work on making it official that Uzumaki Naruto was dead.

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