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//A:N//  quick change guys, please read this. Earlier there was going to be another member of the cell Naru is in but I took an OC out and am currently planning to put a character from a different anime in, might put two in actually to fill in a gap, so if something doesn't make sense then it's because of that. Also, who likes Inuyasha and Soul Eater? Random question......

Shikamaru looked down at one of the books he had brought with him those many days ago, they had been forbidden to return to the library for the time being after Hinata had been hurt but that didn't stop him from going back one last time and grabbing the stack. They seemed important and he didn't know why. He had been stalling in opening this book for a while now and decided to think about the recent events. It had been two weeks since the last batch of missings and there had only been one other death since then; Shizune. They had found her after one of Kiba's family's dogs had caught a wif of something and had followed his nose to find her in a alleyway, though they had to use dental records to identify who she was, or rather, used to be. Her corpse had been mangled with bone, fat, muscle, and origins being unprotected by what little skin she had left. Other then that however, nothing else had really happened. It had gotten to the point that Gaara left, the council saying that he would still help them any way he reasonably could but that was about it. Shikamaru suddenly blinked, a strange grogginess having just passed over him before ending just as fast. It only seemed to last for a mere moment and Shikamaru would have just passed it off as him dosing off or daydreaming or something but....

"Did I put this down?" He asked himself out loud while looking at the book that he had just moments ago been holding. On the cover of the book read The Demonic Rituals but that wasn't what was scaring him, no it was the cover that was scaring him. It was a tarnish peach color and it reminded him of human skin. The front cover was designed to appear as a cartoony face with sharp teeth and eyes that somehow seemed to follow his gaze. They were blood red and had no pupils, the evil-looking grin in its face seemed to be stretched on the skin-like cover with the actual texture of cold flesh. The title was engraved in a bright red that seemed to be the shade of blood on certain areas. All in all, it freaked him out. He stared at the cover for a few more seconds until finally, he opened the book, scratching his shoulder as he did so.

-Unknown time, unknown place

Shikamaru felt as if he had died and that this dark void was purgatory, he felt heavy and it was darkness as far as his eyes could see, though that wasn't very far. After he could move around again he stood up and had to brace himself for the fall, he hadn't expected the sudden wash of unease and his forced his vomit reflex down.
He sat still in the darkness for about another hour before he trusted himself enough to stand and move around. When he stood he started to walk forwards in a slow pace, being careful so as not to walk into any sort of a trap. If there were any, he never found them, nor did he find a wall. He just walked as far as he could until the lights flashed on, flooding him and every single one of his senses with every sudden change. The air was dryer, cleaner, and smelt plain rather than the almost moldy air that had surrounded him not to long ago. A few feet before him was a single, minty blue line. He heard the sound of something moving and looked behind himself to see that the far wall had started moving but this did not bother him much, the wall was too far away to disturb him for a while and he had time to observe his surroundings. He looked down at the pure white floor and felt it, finding that it was neither cold or hot, the light only warmed it to a very little degree but kept the room at a constant temperature. He looked at the walls and found that they were the same, he then walked over to the line and crouched down to touch it, touching the line to find that it was a little bit warmer then the rest of the area.
Nothing had happened when he only touched the line but the moment he went over it with more of his arm the entire room changed to a much thinner hallway. It held that same amount of fluorescent brightness but a single wooden door practically popped out through when compared to the near annoying whiteness. It's dark wood was such a contrast to the smooth walls, it was honesty an odd sight. There were no hinges that connected the door to the nonexistent frame but the door seemed to deny physics and would not budge or yield to his desire to open. He had tried turning the handle, knocking, kicking the door down, and then he tried walking to the other side of the hallway. There was nothing on the other other then a colorless, fluorescent white wall. Shikamaru finally grew frustrated and tried kicking the wall down and let out a cuss, no longer saying his characteristic troublesome, and the door suddenly gave way from the other side of the hall with a small click. Shikamaru turned around to fact the door and was just in time to see it swing itself open wide for him to enter

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