The Pack

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"Oh come on Naruto, it can't be that bad." Choji said while munching on some chips

'If only you knew' Naruto thought before saying the much less real version of what the cupcake was made of. "It was made infused with blood." Naruto said before gesturing to himself "mine o course" he looked at the now pale Choji "a friend of mine cooked them, but this recipe had special ingredients." Naruto explained, the lies slipping out of his mouth with ease. Just after he said this, the girl from earlier and another, slightly younger girl came out. This one had blue grey fingerless gloves and a sleeveless gray hoodie with seven blueish bubbles on the side. She had a lighter, more natural looking blonde shade of hair that covered most of one of her golden eyes. Each of them carried a tray, each tray carried a plate of freshly cooked food. They set it down and Naruto quickly swiped the plate on the far end. "Dibs!" He yelled and dug into the light meal. The newer girl set a plate informant of the rest of there guests before giving them a goofy smile and walking away. Choji looked at his food that he hadn't ordered before pushing it away, disgusted at the thought of eating after realizing that what he had eaten earlier wasn't meant to be red velvet. Shikamaru and Ino eyed their food and then Naruto.

"We didn't order anything..." Ino said, Naruto didn't reply for a minute as he ate something that seemed to resemble a weird mashed up stuffing.

"There isn't much here to order, the main dish that they have here right now is the Thanksgiving surprise and the Valentines choco desert special, though there are a few other things that they have, those are probably the only things that they actually have the stuff to make." Naruto said 'this place isn't exactly for your kind after all, these are some of the only things that you could really eat here.' He added the second part mentally and continued to eat. As he continued to eat without another interruption as the others seemed to have gotten all that they wanted to know, he frowned slightly as he felt his stomach growl quietly in an un satisfied way. It was quiet for now, but he knew that soon it would grow louder and louder, if not to them then to his ears alone. The three started to leave after putting a few dollars on the table but Shikamaru decided that he wanted to know one last thing, he thought that he had already heard the answer but wants to make sure.

"I think earlier you mentioned something and as troublesome as it is to ask you it, you mentioned a library on this part of town that has some information on demons right?" Naruto nodded "there isn't anything like that in the main library, I know since my dad used to bring me there and I looked around, where is the library that you were talking about?" Naruto blinked.

"Somewhere in the...darker part of the red light district. I think it was burned down years ago though, good luck finding anything over there. I honestly don't know exactly where it is really but I heard that it's somewhere in the trafficking area, not sure we're that is either though." 'Not going to tell you where either of those are' Shikamaru nodded before following his teammates. When they left, Naruto stayed behind and the two girls from earlier came out again.

"Did they seriously leave money? Dumbasses." Nightingale said as she pocketed the cash, the other girl gasped and glared in a child like manner.

"No saying no nos!" She almost yelled, she honestly didn't normally care for cussing much unless in certain situations or from certain people. Naruto looked at her for a moment, noticing that something was off about his sibling before moving the fallen bangs away from her face and to the side. She looked at him with her crossed yellow eyes, confused, and Naruto gave her a kind smile.

"You're beautiful, eyes and all." Naruto said and she made an oh sound

"They just fell there since I didn't brushed it earlier." She said while mispronouncing a word (I do this a lot when I'm tired or just after eating ice cream, my tongue gets cold) Naruto got up, trying not to be suffocated by his half sister, or her bust. Naruto waved to them, and the entire room waved back.

"By Naru-kun!" A girl with a slim waste a smaller bust said, she had brown hair with red streaks and blue eyes.

"See ya Naru-chan!" Another girl said, this one having orange hair with blonde tips.

"Later kawaii-kun-chan" Naruto blinked at the odd nickname, this girl had deep blue hair that smoothed into black, she was skinny and tall with very short black hair that was ragged but smooth to the touch and shinny. Naruto stopped paying attention and left the EIG (External Intelligence Gatherers) to his home. His hunger was growing by the day, he had taken to eating one of the pastries each day before and after bed, in the morning with breakfast and in the afternoon before sleeping. His hunger was growing fast, and the pastries weren't fresh enough to maintain him for too much longer.

Naruto opened the box and picked up one of the nicely decorated cupcakes before devouring it whole, eating a second one before the hunger was bearable, he only had a few more left that were meant for he would need to harvest again soon.

"But for now..." Naruto picked up the mostly full box of messily decorated treats "I have an errand to run before tonight's big hunt starts, might even get to catch a bite if I have time." Naruto smiled before taking the box and leaving his apartment once more. He was at Sakura's house and set one of the cupcakes down by her window. It glowed for a moment before returning back to normal and Naruto left to deliver the treats to the other houses.

The list went on until there was only one last treat left, Naruto carefully delivered it to Iruka's doorstep with care, making sure that he was ahead of the deadline and not seen by anyone. The cupcake glowed for a few seconds before returning to normal, as did all of them when he did this. What he told Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru was partially wrong, they were made from Sasuke, everything but his spirit went into them. The soul especially, or at least the life source of the soul. It was funny, Sasuke has been declared dead but he was still alive, a very small portion of Sasuke, but he was still alive for now. Naruto took to the roofs of the shops and houses as the sun finally made its complete way down, soon enough and the sky would be completely devoid of its celestial bodies as it was a new moon tonight. The stars twinkled as the sky became darker, Naruto being pulled out of his almost daze like state when he heard the sound of a light bulb exploding with a small breaking sound, as if it had been dropped to the floor, and he watched as the small pieces of still lightened glass fell down to the ground with a beautiful shimmer as if it were a firework on the Fourth of July. The first explosion of light was soon joined as the many other fireworks went off and an unnatural darkness flooded the area, if he had been human then he wouldn't have been able to see at all but then again, he wasn't human. Soon the sounds that those the darkness effected would be death to sounded throughout the area, slowly growing in numbers as the screams of fear and pain sounded through. Naruto smiled a small smile, he had been merciful with his food and ended somewhat quickly but, like children, most of the others liked to play with there food. Naruto heard a familiar voice, or rather laugh, and he went over towards his group. They were all blondes of different shades but they were all teens. The Alpha of the siblings smiled at Naruto when he arrived before turning back towards the streets were other creatures roamed in and out of houses, most of whom being slick with blood. Naruto's earlier small smile turned into a face splitting, insane one.

"Hungry" was the only thing that was said before the sound of screams were the only thing that could be heard through the silent night.

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