Dissapointing Results

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"There...there, there Maes" Edward said awkwardly, still unsure of what to do in the situation

"FUCK IT!" Naruto cried out as his patience finally evaporated from the five hour wait and he made a dive for the kitchen where he began to rummage through the fridge, being joined by the girls. By the time they had all left Edward and Hughes in the hall the two were practically sitting on the ground, though Edward still held his wings wrapped around Maes in an awkard embrace and Hughes continued to weep while holding onto the much smaller male as if for dear life.
After a few more minutes of the awkward embrace, Hughes seemed to gather himself, gently patting the area between Edward's ears affectionately and with gratitude. Edward looked up, slightly sheepish, with an unsure smile. Hughes' grin suddenly turned mischievous as he suddenly moved his hands to Edward's neck and began to quickly tickle the sensitive skin, Edward squeaked and pulled his neck inwards as if he were a turtle, it was a funny sight to see.

"Hughes!" Edward whined, trying to push the larger male away from him but failing miserably. Edward squeaked again, which he would later become embarrassed for, and pulled his ears down as Hughes began to tickle his sides once his neck was no longer an option.
This went on for a few more minutes before Hughes finally seised with the unwanted tickling.

"Naru, what are you dong?" Nightingale asked from the other room in a deadpanned tone. In the room, Naruto sat on the countertop, waiting for his microwaved meal to finish its cooking, which was of instant ramen. Several things were wrong with this, however, for not only had this planet, in this dimension, had not yet ventured to space for there to be a need of a microwave as the invention had been made as a response to the exploration to the galaxy outside of their atmosphere, but also that instant ramen was not something this world had made either as it required a microwave to make it and obviously had a plastic, manufacture made, container and such dispensable material was not in use in this time and world as it had in other worlds.
Ditsy sweat dropped at Naruto's chaotic abilities and my readers of my ruining of a scene with the potential of being exceedingly hilarious.
This was not what the girls were eyeing at, however, as they were used to the lack of logic that any of them could dish up, Naruto was simply the most frequent user of a sledgehammer to logical thinking of their group. No, what they were looking at was what he was doing as self entertainment while he waited, playing with his soft lower lip and messing with the spot where it changed from lip to normal skin, bending the skin back and forth in what was, from the outside, an odd sight to see, even for him.
A ding resounded, louder than it should have been, and Naruto sprung up, leaving a trail of fire one would often see in a cartoon of sort from a very large amount of speed. It burnt without burning, blazing with light but not glowing as it should. The sound of a small explosion occurred at the same time and the kitsu gave a victory cry, opening the microwave that was built into the wall and looked as if it had been added into the kitchen's dynamics while it had been first set up. He lifted his food up, holding it as if it were a trophy of great honor, and spun.
Boiling hot water flew from Naruto's position, much more than possible from the container, and splattered on the ground without leaving a mark or without truly wetting the ground, yet was still wet to the touch. Hues walked into the kitchen, his smile moving to surprise and confusion, as he viewed the sight before him. The room's other three occupants were sipping tea and eating their food, a decorative plate of triangle sandwiches being set between then, and each one wearing a top hat and fancy clothes. The table had a fancy, prestige looking cloth and the room appearing much larger than it truly was, as well as brighter.
This in itself was odd, but the smears of random, unfamiliar, food coating the ground and walk near him, as well as part of the ground almost near the table, made the scene all the more laughable. Hues blinked, as if trying to look passed whatever hallucination that had plagued his eyes, but found the image looking the same.

"Why hello there Edward, Mister Hues, would you two come to share a spot of tea?" Naruto asked in some kind of tone, giving himself some accent that Hues was unfamiliar with. Beside him, Edward laughed.

"My kitchen" Hues said in a hushed voice, sounding dejected and his appearance quickly matching. Edward laughed harder, nearly doubling over, at what he was viewing. The maniacal Naruto wore, and the black mustache adorning Ditsy's face, did little to help Edward's empty lungs as he merely laughed a bit harder.
Naruto slurped down his noodle-y meal before turning towards Edward.

"Why are we here again?" He asked blankly.

"Edo wants to learn Alchehistery." Nightingale explained

"He's got a friend who can teach it to him here!" Ditsy added loudly, sipping her tea and trying to appear elegant before sputtering it back out, the liquid having burnt her tongue. After checking to see if she was okay, Naruto laughed loudly.

"Alrighty then, how's about we get it started in here?" Naruto asked, a boom box suddenly blasting out a song Hughes didn't recognize. Edward rolled his eyes as Ditsy and Naruto both tried to sing the song's lyrics, both singing slightly off key to the point that of it being funny. He did, however, turn to face Hughes as he did agree that it was time to do as he had come to do.
He lifted his arm, a photo being held from within his grasp despite it having it been there mere moments ago, and pointed at the subject of the image. The person was a tall Xingese adolescent male wearing a yellow jacket with white trimmings and collar, his dark black hair being pulled into a ponytail.

"Have you seen this guy?" Edward asked, near certain that he would be given a 'yes' and instructions in how to find the individual.

"No, why?" Hughes asked blankly. Edward groaned, realizing just how long it would take to find the Xingese visitor.

"You know what? Follow me." Edward said, spinning around and moving towards the nearest mirror. He breathed on i, the glass fogging up quickly, before drawing a small circle and placing his palm into the geometric shape after a mere moment. To Hughes' surprise, the circle illuminated itself with a golden hue, Edward stepping back to allow the taller man access to the mirror.
"If and wine you see this guy, do this to contact me." Edward instructed, grabbing Hughes' hand and placing it on the circle. Edward turned his head around, twisting his body slightly to glance back behind himself.
"<Okay guy, Let's go>!" Edward called loudly before turning back to Hughes.

-Time Skip
Hughes opened his eyes groggily as he arose from his slumber, a dull pain being present at the back of his skull, giving him a slight headache. The dream he had whilst asleep was of Edward and three strangers, though all that had happened in said dream seemed to be blurred just as any other Dream would have been. He distinctly remembered, however, Edward having feline ears, an odd and adorable sight to behold in any context. As he analyzed this, he heard the distinctive click of the door unlocking, Gracia entering the room and smiling to Hughes when she realized that he was awake.

"Feeling better?" She asked him kindly, walking up to him and giving him a small kiss on the forehead, a show of affection and an excuse to check his temperature.

"Yes" he responded simply for, despite the headache, he felt almost completely back to normal.

"Good, now go brush your hair, Winry and Alphonse will be here in an hour!" She shooed him on, neither one noticing the opened window, nor the small bit of yellow fur clinging to the cream colored carpet.

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