Sasuke's lost Trial

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'1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-' Sasuke began counting again, from one to one-hundred, as he had been for hours. After a hundred was reached, he made scratch on the desk, where a clutter of markings lay, as he waited in the pitch black darkness. It was all he could do so as to not loose himself in the dark abyss he seemed to be in. Eventually, the screen turned back on, illuminating the cramped space that served as Sasuke's prison, and, once again, Sasuke found himself blinded.

Sasuke lowered his hand from his eyes and tried to regain his composure, he didn't want to be left alone in the darkness again. In the light, he could see just how many scratches where indented into the desk that still sat before him, covering the majority of the entire surface.

"Let's just get this over with so that I can go, I do have more work to do, you know." A familiar voice said and Sasuke felt a chill run up his spine for some unknown reason, not that it was hard to figure out.
"Have you ever committed a crime against anyone else?" Sasuke nodded without thinking and the other boy seemed to lighten the KI that had spiked within the room.
"What is the extent of your crime and or crimes?" Sasuke wasn't sure what exactly to say, the person growing impatient as the moments ticked by.
"Let me try this again, have you done more serious crimes then one?" Sasuke thought of everything he had ever done and was forced to nod.
"Alright, now I want you to start listing them off, alright?" Sasuke nodded again before continuing.

"I...on my very first real mission" the boy raised an eyebrow but Sasuke continued
"we were guarding some bridge builder and were ambushed... one of them went after me, so I pushed my teammate in front of me..." the other boy's eyes widened for a moment before returning to their uncaring facade. So,ER high had resonated with him, that summary, had he heard it before?

"And when we were ambushed again and one of my teammates came to help me, I grabbed him and used him as a shield...he was hit with a lot of senbon....and I tried to feed him to a snake about a month ago..." Sasuke said and finally realized his mistakes, he was horrified by his past actions, and what he did just days ago made it worse somehow.

"Anything else?" The boy asked after a series of writing, his voice a bittersweet purr.

"A few days ago, I tried to leave the village, but a team of ninja from my village tried to stop me so...I fought back." Sasuke said and stopped himself before he could give more details of the extent of their injuries.

"What is the name of the person or people who you have harmed? The entire group that went after you, I mean." The boy asked.

"I don't know everyone that came after me, but I do know a few of them by name. The leader of the squad was Nara Shikamaru, there was also Rock Lee,-" Sasuke continued with the list, the other boy writing throughout the ordeal.
"-and Uzumaki Naruto." The writing stopped abruptly, the blonde looking up and staring at Sasuke with a strange look. Hatred? Disgust? Wrath?

"What was the extent of the original injuries that Uzumaki Naruto attained from you?" He asked

"Almost all of them healed by the time he came back to Konoha, and he attacked me first." Sasuke said, trying to convince himself that his past actions were justified.

"That doesn't answer my question though, does it?" The blonde retorted with a scoff.

"No..." Sasuke replied, he was used to coming up with either a reason or an excuse and everyone would take his side or congratulate him on whatever it was he had done, always. This was a special case, however, and this boy wouldn't tolerate lies, nor half baked truths.
"Umm...." he had to think of the battle in detail for a moment before continuing "...a few burn marks...a concussion, maybe some gashes on his left arm...and a huge hole in his a ruined lung where the whole is." He concluded before he added something before he could stop himself
"dumb weakling could only land ONE scratch me, ha! It's no wonder Kakashi left him to take ME back instead of him!" When he finished, he expected praise, clapping, or something, anything other then what he received. The other boy glared at him with eyes that promised pain, and then the pain came in the form of a painful electric shock that covered Sasuke's body, the electricity coursing through him wildly, but it was only a mere second that was necessary for the boy's point to be made.

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