Semi-Mortals and Preparations of a Playdate

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Edward had decided not to return to the group until nightfall had passed, sleeping overtop of a small cloud he had bunched up and grabbed from the sky, said cloud turning to a slight yellow colored tint after he first touched it. This was entirely normal, for one of their kind and or status of being to push their energy into an object to make it stable did cause said object to produce a color similar if not exactly mimicking that of the creature's energy.
Edward gave a small whine as the light of the sun began to poor down upon him, rolling over in his sleep and almost falling off of the fluffy bedding. This was what startled awareness into the kitsu, his wing having ended up falling off of the fluffy bedding and nearly pulling him off. He jumped up swiftly, flapping his retracted wings in rapid succession to regain balance and position.

"Maybe I should've gone with a bigger cloud..." Edward mumbled softly to himself, sitting up and dusting himself off, clouded mist and morning dew flying off of his coat as the action was done. Yawning tiredly, he lifted himself off of the cloud and began to descend towards the campsite below. Upon reaching it, the scent of baking bacon reached his nose, causing saliva to begin to pool within the young immortal's maw.
Landing on the ground, he began to walk over towards the group, sitting down near the fire they had surrounded in an almost triangular pattern.
"Mornin'." Edward greeted with another yawn, fanning his mouth slightly with the thumb joint of his wing.

"Good morning, little spirit, I presume you have slept well?" Lan Fan asked respectfully

"Yep, you?" Edward asked, ignoring the comment of his size once again and lifting a wing up to himself, beginning to preen the feathers present back into an orderly fashion.

"I slept just fine, thank you very much." Lan Fan responded easily, putting the meal she had just bought the ingredients for in a bowl before placing it in front of the entity before her.
Edward thanked her instantly, using the words that his little brother had long since taught him.

"Arigatomas" Edward chirped before moving to consume the bacon, egg, and rice that lay within the bowl's confines. Lan Fan watched him with a curious look, as though trying to figure something out. Edward had expected this, in fact, he had expected a lot more than just the look she had been giving him. He honestly was surprised that he had yet to be bombarded with questions, assumptions, and things of the like.
She reached out slowly, careful not to agitate the creature before her, and pulled down the hood that had been pulled over the creature's head. Edward paused in his meal to glance up at her, still chewing his meal through the bottom of the mask as it did expose his jaw to allow movement.
After a few moments of silence, Edward swallowed the meal he had been given and turned back to his food. Ling seemed to scoot ever so slightly closer, as though anticipating what was to come. Edward honestly didn't like the fact that he was the center of these people's attention, beginning to feel slightly claustrophobic. Lan Fan must have noticed the sudden shift in body language, Edward's ears pulling back and tails curling inwards, wings tightly pulled to his sides, for she gave a quick shooing glance to her master before returning to the creature before her.

"Is a being composed of flesh and blood truly the same as the beings described in legend and myth?" Lan Fan asked, once again using her overly formal tone.

"Depends on the myths your'e referring to." Edward responded calmly, feeling a bit more comfortable as Ling went over to converse with his their guard. Lan Fan began to pet the upper portion of Edward's head and exposed neck, testing her boundaries with the immortal creature with caution. Edward allowed himself to purr as he felt himself being pet, that was until he felt his mask removed.
"Hey!" Edward exclaimed, jumping up and a small distance away, the sudden change in temperature confirming the fact that his mask had, indeed, been removed. Edward pulled his ears back, his golden orbs glaring slightly at the woman before him. Ling laughed at the scene, having decided not to approach the being with formality the night prior and lost all seriousness with the amusing creature.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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