Cleanup and Investigations

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Naruto looked around himself and cleaned up the parts that he had left for later before loosing himself and began sealing the parts in his scroll, which had a decent amount of blood on the inside of the white paper. He decided to make use of the dead man's apartment, he wouldn't mind after all, to get himself cleaned up and wash his now dirty clothes. He threw his clothing into the man's washer and went into his bathroom to take a long, hot shower, his own at the apartment didn't have heat so he wanted to make it last and enjoy it.

Two hours later, Naruto walked out of the dead man's apartment cleaner and much more relaxed than he had entered, he was able to vent all of his stress on his first true hunt and then took a very relaxing shower and bath, better safe than sorry with how dirty he had been, completely covered in blood before, and his clothes looked nicer too. His orange, blue, and white jacket was nice and warm on the inside after the drying machine though it took a little while to figure out how to use it. Either way it didn't matter, he had an amazing night and didn't want to ruin it by going back to his shabby place so he went home to the Burrow and went into his room before falling into one of the most restful night's sleep he had in a long time.

A woman walked through the streets, her agitation radiating off of her like heat from a hot oven, as she made her way to her employ's apartment. He hadn't showed up that morning at the shop and had skipped work that day but the woman would make sure that he payed for his action fully.
She made it up the stairs and to his room, banging on the door hard, the door swinging open as if it had never been closed, a smell instantly hit her nose that made her gag and she covered her mouth and nose to try and block the stench. Light fell through the open door and into the once tidy apartment, showing her the remains of the man she had just moments ago wanted to verbally harass.
The face was still intact, but almost nothing else was. The skin on all of his limbs had been ripped open and she could see his bones, his throat having had not only been cut but almost completely removed yet still managed to connect his head to his body's remains. His shirt had been turn through and his stomach and chest resembled his arms and legs in their mutilation, the floor was splattered with his blood with some areas left almost bare. The woman leaned on the door before turning around and running as fast as she could, only stopping when she had found a man with a hiate, showing that he was a ninja and hence forth the authority in the situation.
He had silver hair that seemed to defy gravity and had been reading a small book from his hand, next to him were two other ninja, one wearing a green one piece jumpsuit, the other wearing mostly normal ninja attire. She bent over, out of breath and out of shape, while trying to catch her breath to speak to them and tell them of the horror she had just witnessed. They stood there, waiting for her to speak. When she finally caught her breath enough to talk she sounded as if she was blabbering random nonsense.

"Wow wow wow, calm down. Take a deep breath and get your thoughts in order, alright? We aren't going anywhere." The first one said.

"Th-there's been a murder!" She yelled quickly and their eyes widened.

"Where?" The last one asked while the one in green ran off to tell the hokage in neck breaking speeds. She showed the three where it was and soon the hokage, her apprentice, and a man with a long pale blonde ponytail soon appeared with the green dressed ninja from before.

"Do you have any idea of what happened?" Inoichi asked and the woman shook her head.

"I j-just ca-me to get him since he never showe-d up at work today. He works at my bakery as the cashier so after the busy hour ended I came to get him...and I-I found this." She stammered, still not truly believing this could happen. You never really think of anything truly bad ever happening to you, you might hear of it happening to others, but never to you or those you truly knew or know. Tsunade looked at Asuma and he escorted the frightened woman away from the bloody mess and the room. Tsunade then turned to Kakashi and Gai.

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