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Inoichi looked at the investigation that had happened just next door with horror. It was inhumane, blood littered the area in puddles and splatters, indents on the walls and deep gashes into the wall and floor. It looked as if someone, no, something had used the man as a toy of some sort, the walls were smashed and the corpse had been tossed around and slung from the head, the neck having scratches that seemed to be from light cuts. The man's wife had been torn up in multiple pieces, her remains littering a smaller area than the man's in every way. Tsume looked at the body in disgust, every ninja had been on this investigation with the exception of a decent number of the genin and Tsume was no different.

"This is disgusting, what a painful way to die." She examined the body "it almost looks like the poor guy was used like a dog toy, there had to be at least two...things here if the prints are anything to go by." She looked at the two sets of large canine foot prints in the blood. "My question is how this thing got through the door, they would have to be huge! Way to big to fit through without breaking the door at the very least." Inoichi was deep in thought, he just didn't understand this.

'Why didn't I hear anything? I was right next door! I should have at least head the banging or screams...' he just didn't understand it, how had this happened and Why?

-Council Room Meeting

Tsunade was in the middle of the most important meeting she had ever been in, the civilian council were actually behaving for once and that alone should cause worry. Mebuki, a member of the civilian council and owner of a decent number of shops, was actually quiet for once. Her sister had died among the casualties of last night, she didn't even care about the countless orphans that had also disappeared that night, her sister worked at the orphanage as one of the higher ups of the place and the building had been swept clean of life. Everyone was scared, everyone was confused, no one knew what was happening or what to do. An unknown enemy had attacked them blindly int he middle of the night with no witnesses in sight, at least one that they knew of. Tsunade was trying to run collateral damage.

"We can't keep this to ourselves, we need help! We need to get the kazekage to help figure out who is doing this and we need to do it before we get attacked again!" Mebuki suddenly yelled and the entire room instantly broke into loud yelling and arguing. There was no order present at all, nothing but chaos seemed to be present in the room as its occupants yelled and argued over fights that no one else could hear, there own frightened yells and ideas being to loud and mashed together to the point of the sound being mashed into noise. Senseless, pointless, loud noise that only hurt all of there ears.

"ALL OF YOU, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Tsunade managed to below over the pointless noise. Everything was silent as Tsunade cleared her throat

"The Daimyo and Kazekage have already both hade letters sent to, for now, we all just need to work on damage control and clean up. By the time our guests arrive we should have everything somewhat fixed. Now we need to discuss who's doing what for this, there's a lot of lamp posts that need to be fixed." Tsunade said as they soon began discussing what things needed to be done.

~Shikamaru's POV~

I walked through the streets with my team by my side (ISC is what they will now be called) as we walked further into the red light district. This area seemed to be abandoned by most and the houses looked as if they hadn't been used in a very long time. The lamp posts were rusted and bent in odd angles, similar to the ones in the other part of town but much older. It looked as if the meddle had started to rust were they touched the ground and bent. The area actually looked nice, it's troublesome but if this place had been kept care of then it would be one of the nicest parts of town rather than the worst.  We had been walking around, looking for something that might not even be here, for three entire troublesome hours with no real progress to show for our effort.

"Shikamaru...what...what do you think happened here?" Ino asked, she had been pale for the most of the day after the realizations were made, I can't really blame her though, her area is one of the ones that was hit the hardest last night. About twenty people in that area were killed brutally and none of us heard it. It's actually pretty scary be attacked blindly and not even realizing it until it's all over...

"I don't know..." I said before we finally found it. It was almost completely burnt down but there was still the under ground section, the stairs were easily exposed and the blackened wood of the shelves all appeared empty. There are a few decayed and blackened books on the ground that seemed to have faced every different season's harsh weather, those seemed to be turning into dust as they crumbled away into nothingness. I can only hope that what we're looking for is still here, preferably downstairs and protected from the troublesome elements.

-No one's POV

The three made there decent through the creaking, old stairs, to the lower level of the destroyed library.

"Be careful guys, the stairs break so don't do anything stupid." Ino said, carefully walking on the sides, trying to be  closer to the wall where the stairs were sturdier. When they got to the ground the saw nothing but empty shelves, well, mostly empty. There were a few shelves that held a few old books that seemed to be in slightly good condition.

"Ok guys, start looking around for anything that could be useful." Shikamaru said, walking to a wall and muttering a troublesome before beginning to work on finding anything that could help their situation.

~Unknown Location~

A ravenette lade in pitch black darkness that seemed to surround him. He waited until his head no longer felt as if it were stuffed with cotton. After a few hours he managed to stand and walk to a wall, it took much longer than he expected it to take. He studied the area around him with the senses that he still had at his disposal, he was in a large old wooden room that seemed to be decaying almost, the type of the wood was a special, extra hard one. The amount of would and the smell suggested that he was somewhere in an abandoned building here a forest like town.

'The fact that no one has attacked me yet means that no one is here right now, why can't I feel my chakra? It's best to not try to use it right now, there seem to be some sort of chakra restrictors here, I can't risk them knowing of me being awake.' With that, the ravenette continued his walk along with the wall at a decent yet cautious pace. After a few minutes, the lights seemed to turn on and the room suddenly changed to one that was almost pure white. A bit ahead of him was a bright minty blue line and he noticed the wall that seemed to teleport to behind him started to move forward silently behind him closer to his back, ushering him forward. He went into a small jog when the walls on his sides started to close in on him as well. He was soon on the other side of the line and in a different room, it was a hallway that led to a door, behind him went on and out of his site in the odd, glowing, pure white endlessness. He opened the door and walked into a darker room with technology that he had never seen before. He didn't, understand the screen, or it's purpose. He noticed that there were small scratch marks endented into the desk before him and he sat down in the chair, noticing that the chair was tuned to suit a smaller person than himself. Just then, the screen turned itself on and flashed the room to life, the teen shielded his eyes from the sudden light. On the other side of the screen was a blonde teenage boy, a bit younger then himself, with golden blonde hair and slitted golden eyes. He had almost feline ears, but they looked more foxlike then anything else. He wore a red sweatshirt and had a pair of light yellow wings showing behind him.

"Hello, Itachi Uchiha"

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