Hughes Wakes Up

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//A:N// It's my birthday bitches!! I'm now 15 fuckin' years old! 😝 (as of June 17.....I had to update this note........)

Edward stood in front of his old friend's door and quickly grew impatient with the other man, it had begun to rain.

"Sooooooo" Edward began awkwardly as he moved slightly closer to the door to try to stay dry "are we all just going to stare at each other or are you going to invite us in?" Edward gave a slightly sympathetic smile, Hughes backed away from the door and made a motion in his hands to welcome the assumed dead in before closing it, unaware that he had closed it in another's face

"Hey!" Naruto's voice whined from outside of the house, he rubbed his nose as he had walked into the door.

"I got it!" Edward's voice rang as he opened the door for the others, Hughes just continued to stare dumbfounded into where ever Edward moved, his movements being too smooth and breathless, as if no effort was used in the movement.

"Is he ok?" Ditsy asked as she waved her hand in front of the still man.

"I....I'm not sure" Edward said with a hint of worry in his voice

"Way to go Ed, you broke him." Naruto joked slightly as he nudged Edward's arm with his elbow, Edward elbowed lightly back. Naruto pretended to be hurt and fell to the ground

"Oh the pain! Why Ed, why?!" He cried dramatically, Nightingale burst out laughing at the dramatics while Edward and Ditsy withheld their snickers and giggles. Naruto's lips twitched slightly in a smile as he saw that he had managed to break the worsening mood that had circled his elder brother, he stood up.

"Anyways, we should probably get Hughes-san somewhere to sit before he falls down." It wasn't two seconds after Naruto spoke those words that Hughes' knees gave way.

"To the couch?" Edward asked, his hand on Hughes' shoulder to help keep him up, his touch gentle yet strong. Maes nodded absently "to the couch it is" Edward and Naruto both hooked an arm on either of the grown man's own. They hoisted him up and led him to the couch. The group of supposed young teens talked, drew, watched the old television, and anything else to entertain themselves until their host would stir awake.

"I'm bored!" Naruto complained.

"Join the club" Nightingale threw in

"Join it? I freaking RUN it!" He complained, emphasizing on the word run. Hughes finally stirred from his restless sleep. Edward shushed them quickly, Naruto and Nightingale looking sheepish at the noise they had been making.

""Sooooorrrrryyyyyyy"" they whispered, Edward gave them a smile of appreciation before returning to his friend

-Maes POV

I awoke from my sleep on the couch, wait, when had I gone to sleep? I had an odd dream during my sleep, probably made by my stress and hope with a dash of a miner cold to add in a bit more of an unrealistic possibility. Alphonse had told us all of what had happened, a fight with a group of people whom claimed to be Humuncli. He had explained to us, my squad and Mustaing's squad, about why we could never find the body; the space where the brothers plus had been fighting in had caved in on itself mid battle and Al had been unable to save Edward. I didn't want to doubt Alphonse's word but the explanation seemed off, as if it had been fabricated like a poorly designed quilt. My dream had been about Edward, he had been alive and had come knocking at my door. I think he had brought a few people but the dream had faded to black too soon for me to tell. It was then that I it, I wasn't alone. There where whispers and mutters about me, very hushed whispers. I could feel from the position of the couch that someone else was sitting next to me. I opened my eyes quickly and took in my visitors, my eyes eventually landing on one Edward Elric.

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