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"So um......where are we sleeping tonight?" Gaara asked after realizing that they had no sleeping arrangement planned.

"Oh, why don't you go to a hotel or something?" Tsunade said before realizing that there weren"t many hotels here like there were on the roads, the ones that were here were far off from the center of town or closed to try to prevent anyone slipping in or out of Konoha as easily; they didn't know who was doing this, any of this, but removing places where outsiders could stay was a precarious action that the council decided was necessary to take.

"I know someone who lives in Konoha, he probably wouldn't mind housing us." Gaara said calmly in his normal tone, Tsunade looked at him surprised as she did not know that the young kage had been inside Konoha before, let alone long enough to befriend someone.

"Alrighty then, you seem to know what you're doing so goodnight." Tsunade said before walking home herself to try to get some much needed sleep, with all that had happened she hadn't slept quite soundly the previous night and was lacking slightly in the resting department.

-With Naruto
-Naruto's POV

Didalydooda didaly doo, what to do? What to do? My species is mostly nocturnal and I've started returning to my kind's ways and habits, sleep schedule included. I hadn't slept all day though, I was busy as a bee at the beautiful creation we dubbed, "The Burrow" after its similarities with a normal fox burrow, or would it be called a den? Fox den, fox burrow, fox den, fox burrow. To be a burrow, or to be a den, that is the question! I laughed at me joke befriend looking out of my window and at the moon. I loved the night, the cool temperatures, the quietness, the peacefulness, the hunting, it was all just so beautiful. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a knock sounded on my door, then another, and then another. It was the normal three-in-one-knock routine that everybody seemed to like doing. No matter how loud some knocks are, or how quiet some are, the three sounds were always together. I walked happily to the door, I was in one of my happy, excited, energetic moods today for some reason but meh no care. I opened the door after peeping through the small peep looker thingie and saw my strawberry on the other side. I swung the door open and hid behind the now opened door before they could see me, this would be fun. None of them moved for a little bit but eventually Gaara walked inside. Once he was in my range I pounced, jumping out from behind the door and tackling my friend to the ground.

"NARUTO-SECRET-AMBUSH-ATTACK!!" I yelled as I tackled the strawberry to the ground. He ended up laying on his stomach with me on his back, since I did tackle him from behind and all. I looked behind myself, moving my body so that I was now sitting on my new chair, and saw the other two siblings starring at me, one looking surprised and confused and the other one was trying very hard not to burst out laughing. "Hey Temarie! Het Kankuro! How ya been?" I asked them energetically, Kankuro finally burst out laughing while Temarie gave me an um.

"Naruto" Gaara said slowly from under me "why are you on top of me?" He asked after a few more seconds.

"Becaaauuuse your'e a comfy chair?" I joked

"Get off" he said slightly stern and I obliged

"So, whatcha doin' here anyway?" I finally asked.

"We were wondering if we could spend the night since we're in town and have no where else to go." Gaara explained

"Sure!" I exclaimed happily

"Dibs on the bed!" Temarie yelled with a sudden dash towards my lumpy box of springs. I would have warned her but wheres' the fun in that? She landed on my bed and frowned for a moment before looking around my room and settling in. She had realized that there was no other things to sleep on besides the bare old wood of my floor, and who would reasonably take the floor over the bed? She went to sleep and I grew a devilish smirk before going into one of my drawers and pulling out a black marker. Gaara looked at me with a confused look but I gave him a look that told him to trust me and then I made Temarie a cat with three whiskers per cheek. I honestly found the whiskers to be a funny joke that few would understand, it was an inside joke that only I and any extension of myself would really understand. Nodding at my work I left it the bathroom and got out a few towels, the closest thing to extra blankets I had, and handed them to my guests.

"What are these for?" Kankuro asked me

"I don't have mats to sleep on" I explained "so we'll just have to sleep on these." I finished before quickly making a pillow with my normal jacket, the orange jumpsuit that I normally wore, and I misled went to sleep after hiding the black marker. There wouldn't be any hunting tonight for any of us, but maybe, I smiled at my last thought before letting sleep consume me.

'Maybe Gaara would like to join us'

~Gaara's POV (HA! You thought the chapter was over, didn't you?!)

I opened the door to Narutos' apartment, he had invited me during my last visit, and I saw the apartment surprisingly empty. It was devoid of any light inside the apartment and was strangely dark, the sun was still high in the sky after all and was still midday, though our home is a few hours off and by now in our village it would be rather dark. I decided to take my chances and stepped inside the unwelcoming apartment but was tackled to the ground suddenly from someone that had been behind me.

"NARUTO-SECRET-AMBUSH-ATTACK!!" I heard someone yell loudly as I was tackled. Why hadn't my sand reacted? I know that I didn't have my normal sand with me but I do still have a small pouch of sand that would still be rather effective in defending and attacking. Either way it never came to his aid in avoiding the blonde or removing the blonde from his person. It was odd but I had other things to worry about, like were the heck I'm going to sleep on tonight. There was only one bed here and there wasn't any extra blankets. Temarie took. Aruto's bed and went to sleep and I saw Naruto smirk devilishly at her before drawing on her face and....was that a cat -_- that's actually kind of funny. Kankuro wa the next to fall asleep and then Naruto, I stayed up for a while and watched him confused; there was reasoning forms to be sleepy but he had none. None! He should still be wide awake at this time of day. Come to think of it, why is it so dark in here? I can see perfectly fine's just....weird.....I looked back at the sleeping blonde and noticed that something was different about him but....I didn't know what.......I thought back to the case that this place had found themselves stuck in for a few more minutes before shutting my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

-With Kurama

Kurama looked at the opening portal before her with a sinister bring that grew, widening until it stretched her face beyond human limits. The portal still looked cloudy and had ripples going through its serface, showing the poor stability that it had at the lack of maintenance, but that was being fixed even now as she watched the ripples going through the smooth surface. She could see it, she could see the world on the other side, just sitting still and waiting for their teeth to pierce their very souls and grip them with a deadly sense of fear. She herself had yet to hunt, she was still partially sealed away, but that wouldn't last for much longer and soon they would all get to feast as much as they pleased. She lifted a single, human hand and placed it on the glass-like portal. It wasn't their normal form of transportation, they didnt' need artificial gateways, but for the time being, Kurama was grounded to this world. She suddenly snarled as a thought crossed her mind.

'This world! This pitiful, disgusting word! They think that they can just lock me away?!' She gave a sinister laugh, earning a slightly confused look from some of the other creatures who were setting up the dimensional window for their leader. It wasn't like one of their own plotting something cruel open outsiders was uncommon, it was just a bit odd for Kurama to be the one plotting, though it shouldn't have surprised them. She was hungry, and her stomach ached with a longing for both flesh and spirit. She would get to eat soon, but not quite yet. She turned away from the mirror and gave a nod to the working creatures before walking away "Soon" she muttered to herself but never continued her sentence, at least out loud. She would feast and her kind would soon enough flourish once more. With that final thought in mind the creature went to work on directing the many other creatures as they all worked to rebuild their once great home.

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