My Info Guy

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Nothing was found that would actually help them in the case, no one saw or heard anything at all, no one even saw the man walk home or leave from work besides the woman who had found him. Three months had last since the incident and it had fallen to the back of the genin's minds as a one time thing, being forgotten by most everyone. Naruto had not forgotten, he couldn't forget it and wouldn't forget it now or ever. Though he was running low on his left overs that had seemed to loose there unique flavor of something Naruto couldn't seem to explain, it still helped fill himself up enough to continue on in his normal life, or at least as close to normal as he would ever be in this lifetime. By the fourth month Naruto had run completely out of his leftovers and by the fifth he was hungry again. This was no ordinary hunger though mind you, it was one that could push one past the limits of sanity with ease if not dealt with. At the moment Naruto was pacing back and forth in his apartment, thinking of what to do next. He had been training, or rather, watching Kakashi train Sakura jutsu when Naruto noticed something; he grew hungrier whenever the chakra of someone else spiked, it was like smelling
a tasty treat but not being able to quite grasp it. Naruto suddenly stopped pacing as he came to a decision to use Sasuke, he wanted to try something after all. He went to the burrow and started through the twists and turns of the large maze like structure before finally coming to a door. This door was the only way Sasuke could enter or leave the confinement of his home and Naruto decided to make use of the emo's surplus of chakra, being half as large as his own, he should fill him up way more then the last guy did.

"But even as I'm saying that..." Naruto said
"I just can't bring myself to do it." Sasuke looked relieved before Naruto's frown turned into a wide grin
"that's why she's going to do it." With that, Naruto moved to let the person behind him in. The girl behind him had icy blue eyes and long pink hair that went all the way down to her waist. Sasuke looked frightened again before getting cocky.

"Why should I, an Uchiha, be scared of a little girl! She looks weaker then you do and that's just sad." Sasuke taunted

"Because you can't use your chakra? Because the Uchiha Clan were never immortal? Because the thing that makes you special is your eyes and they won't help you here? Must I go on?" Naruto retorted, smirking for a moment while Diana snickered at his words.

"And what was ever so special about you?! Your the dead last of our class and you're the worst ninja I have ever seen!"

"If I was truly the dead last then why am I a ninja when so many others didn't pass the exam?" Naruto said surprisingly calm

"Because I was on the same team as you and picked up your slack!" The Uchiha yelled again before his voice suddenly became raspy and he had a cuffing fit. He had hardly spoken at all in the past few months and his throat wasn't used to yelling or even talking for too long. Naruto decided to drop the subject to turn back to his comrade.

"Don't worry about you not turning out good, she specializes in the cooking section of the Burrow and is great at what she does, she's going to make you into delicious pastries. Now smile, this is your last thinking moment of life so you won't feel a thing and for that you should be grateful." Naruto said before instantly striking out and hitting the side of Sasuke's head hard, Sasuke fell unconscious on impact.
"Bye Sasuke!" Was the last thing Uchiha Sasuke ever heard before passing out and never waking up. Naruto nodded to the girl and she and him carried Sasuke to her shop on one of the lower levels that had been decorated with the skin of multiple different types of creature. Naruto gulped a bit as he saw the walls before following her to the door in the back and heading in. Inside was a soundproof room, so as to not disturb the other residence that preferred not to hear the sounds of scream for whenever the guest was harvested alive. The girl strapped Sasuke down out of habit before pointing to a chair, signaling for Naruto to sit down and watch.
"You want me to sit?" He asked

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