The Meeting

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~unknown Location~
~No one's POV~

A golden creature flapped through the bottom of the long secret entrance before slamming the door shut behind her and flinging the other creature from behind her to inform of her. She made strange snarls and barks before her body glowed as she changed into a young adult with long golden hair with purple-blue tips.

"the HELL was that!?" She yelled, clearly enraged. The strange purple creature changed into his own human-ish form: he was a young teen with purple hair and deep blue tips, a pair of fangs poked at his lips.

"S-sorry ma'am..." he said dejectedly, the girl's eyes softened slightly and she gave a deep sigh

"It's alright, you're hungry. Just...wait until the next hunt to try something like that alright? Now come one, Let's go get something to eat newbie." She said comfortingly before shifting again and padding the ground were a new hole appeared for the two to jump through. The purple one jumped through and the other one, known as Nightingale, gave an almost bird like yip to the nearby patrollers before jumping in the hole and following the other creature. Six other creatures came to the retired, old entrance and began boarding it up before sealing it with a strange black liquid that turned to hard stone once it was faded down.

~With Ed~

A door opened and closed to release a golden haired, young teenage boy who seemed rather eager to leave the cramped space.

"I am sooo looking forward to the next swap" he said agitatedly as he stretched his sore limbs again. He did it every time he finished his shift, at least his shift for his current job, seeing as he had to do nothing other then sit there and question others. He was more hands on, he liked helping the build of their home and other productive or more important jobs. 'Good thing this was my last shift until the next swap' he told himself happily before his stomach gave a a small growl, a plea for substance that had not fallen on death ears, so the young blonde made his way through the constantly changing tunnels until he found himself on one of the eating levels of the burrow. Edward sniffed the air for a few seconds before making a sudden dash towards one of the engraved miniature dens that made up their restaurants, one of which had made a delicious aroma that just called to him and made his mouth water. "Yahoo!!" He yelled, throwing his arms up in the air happily, multiple other creatures either giggling at his show or rolling their eyes with a smile.

"Wow Eddie, you seem excited" a golden haired girl said jokingly, a younger teen behind her, Ed blew a raspberry at her jokingly.

"Don't call me Eddie" he said, slightly annoyed before taking notice of the other boy "so that's what you're doing down here, I thought that you would still be on duty around now Nightingale." He said while giving the other boy a small wave, said boy returned it before dashing away to another restaurant.

"Kid was found out" Nightingale whispered and Ed nodded understandingly.

"Did he get a check up?" He asked, Nightingale shook her head

"I looked him over; he's fine. Have you seen Naru? Any idea where he is?" Nightingale asked suddenly, Ed shrugged

"Noooo idea" he said in a sing song tone before spinning around suddenly "now let's go eat!" He jumped into the other room with stars in his eyes and Nightingale followed behind, but not before twitching at a sudden alarm that was calling one of the cells, it was quiet but still there. Multiple creatures suddenly zoomed off towards Kuru's den for their instructions but they seemed to have some sort of urgency in their behavior, they were moving too fast and making too serious of movements to be simply asking a question. Something must have been going on.

"I wonder what's happening with them...." she wondered to herself before following her half brother into the other cave.

-With Kurama

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