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Kiba and Shino had decided to give Hinata a visit and had stopped at a floral shop before hand to get some flowers for their healing teammate. The two made their way down to the hospital whom Hinata had been delivered the previous night and quickly took notice to the now ruined street lights.

"Weren't those brand new?" Kiba asked as he walked by one of the shattered street lights, the poles were still clean and shiny, this was one of the better streets after all but it looked as if the light bulbs had all exploded, bits of broken glass littering the earth below and crunching slightly whenever stepped on, though both tried to dodge every shard while still walking.

"They were recently installed" Shino answered in his usually calm voice. The pair soon reached the hospital and were completely shocked at the chaos that was being held within the building's walls. Nurses and doctors running to and from each room and through the halls in a hurry, none knowing what to do. "Excuse me ma'am" Shino said while Kiba was currently trying to get the attention of a nearby doctor, the nurse looked at him.

"Can I help you?" She asked with forced pleasantries

"What room is Hinata Hyuuga being treated?" He asked before suddenly grabbing the Inuzuka by the hood and dragging Kiba with himself as he followed the speeding nurse through the hallway. She stopped at a door and let me and my teammate through before walking away to get back to her own business. Hinata looked at them with a small smile that grew when Akamaru jumped off of Kiba's shoulder and onto Hinata for some petting. The small dog's tail wagged happily when the girl complied and Kiba set her flowers down on the nearby table.

"How've you been Hinata?" Kiba asked

"I-I'm alright" she replied with a small stutter

"Hey, have you seen how crazy this place is today? Whats' up with that?" Kiba asked while looking at the door.

"I d-don't know Kiba-Kun" Hinata replied, her voice louder then the growing ruckus from outside the room. The volume seemed to be rising from just the other side of the door, as if a heated argument was happening just behind it, and it sounded as if someone had smashed something.

"What the heck are they doing out there!?" Kiba yelled before moving to open the door but it seems that someone else had already acted on the same idea. The door lung open, smashing into Kiba and slamming him into the wall, revealing an enraged Tsunade "" Kiba croaked comically, Tsunade calmed down for a few seconds when she saw that her apprentice was nowhere to be seen here either.

"Where are you Shizune" Tsunade asked herself "Hinata, have you seen Shizune?" She asked louder, earning a confused look from the girl in question.

"Who?" Hinata asked and Tsunade groaned agitatedly

"Shizune! Your doctor!?" Tsunade practically yelled

"S-sorry Hokag-ge-sama, by the time I w-woke up she mu-st have been done or something....." Hinata stuttered nervously and Tsunade sighed before walking out of the room to try and find her assistant and student. She had no idea of the actions that had taken place just the night before, and she knew that she had much more work to do at the moment; she couldn't keep looking for her.

'I'll just have to have someone else look for her, I'm already almost late to a meeting with the Kazekage!' And with those thoughts in mind, the blonde quickly made her way to the meeting room.

~With Gaara and sand siblings~

Gaara, and his two siblings walked through the sad streets of Konoha, eyes wide as the three observed the village that they had just weeks ago left. The changes were alarming on the majority of streets: houses abandoned, street lights shattered, glass littering the floor, and a large amount of ninja tape (police tape) around most of the buildings. Not only was the town different but the people had all changed from bright and cheery to grim, sad, and hateful. Well, most were like that, on some of the streets that the three walked past seemed to be completely untouched and flourishing with business and goods. The sun seemed to smile at these streets and the atmosphere here was happy if not just a bit nervous but who wouldn't be in a time like this? Gaara looked around himself and at the streets, as if lost in the tremendously changed village.

'Where's the Hokage Tower again?' Gaara thought to himself and Kankuro seemed to have the same thought as him, walking up to a cheery woman who was selling flowers to another man and tapping her shoulder.

"Excuse me miss but we think we're lost." He said politely

"Oh! Where do you want to go young man?" She asked kindly

"The Hokage Tower please" Gaara answered before either of his siblings could. She pointed the way and sent them off before returning to her own business of organizing the flowers and selling them. The three enjoyed the walk until the streets became dark again and lost the cheerfulness that the earlier street seemed to hold so boldly. The mood of the streets seemed to turn on and off, up and down, randomly until the small group made it to the Hokage Tower and went to the meeting, Tsunade was a few minutes late, and all that was decided during the whole ordeal was that the Village Hidden in the Sand would help with what was going on an that was about it, five whole hours and only one thing was accomplished. Five. Whole. Hours.

"I feel sorry that you have to deal with that council on a daily basis." Gaara told Tsunade

"Oh no, it's just lovely having the world's loudest and most unorganized council, just lovely." Tsunade answered sarcastically back towards the redhead, who snickered slightly before leaving, only to come back in moments later

"So um......where are we sleeping tonight?"

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