Itachi's Decision and the Attack

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"Hello, Itachi Uchiha" he said calmly

"Who are you?" Itachi asked as calmly as possible

~With ISC~

-No One's POV

The three had all made a pile of books that they had agreed, wouldn't help. They were all about subjects that didn't seem to be similar to each other in any real way, just a random room of books about nothing in particular. A kid's book here, a book on anatomy there, a novel, the room seemed to have no real purpose.

"Ok, what have we learned in this entire, troublesome, ordeal?" Shikamaru asked his two companions, Ino exhaled through her nose heavily.

"We learned that this was a total waste of time, and that Naruto's information sucks!" She said in an annoyed tone, ending in almost a yell. Her voice seemed to eco throughout the room despite its size and her semi low volume.

"I kind of have to agree with Ino on this one, Naruto's tips were a dead end. I'm honestly surprised that he was right about this place even EXISTING." Choji said, agreeing with her. Shikamaru leaned back on the shelf behind him, Choji joining him. "Sorry Shikamaru, I know that you like Naruto and stuff, I mean, I was there when you guys used to hang out and all, but I don't-" he leaned back on the shelf and it fell backwards, both boys landing painfully on there backs.

"Ouch, you guys ok?" Ino said with a small giggle

"Ug, I can already feel the bruises, troublesome shelf." Shikamaru said while rubbing his back before realizing something. There was no wall behind the shelf. He looked up and into the darkness that was behind the original shelf, away from the light that came from the upward level. The rest of the room was hidden in the shadows and were completely covered in books that all seemed to be much better kept then the ones that he had already seen.

"Shikamaru?" Ino asked, not getting what he was looking at as she couldn't see through the darkness. Shikamaru stood up, not answering her, and walking out carefully onto the stone floor. He walked into a shelf and backed up a bit before putting his hand out and felling whatever he could on the shelves. It was just as he thought, the books were in almost perfect condition with no weather damage or mold smell in the air. The shelves seemed to be made of stone and were full of books ranging in size. He carefully grabbed one of the books and pulled it out before walking back to the light to see what the back was about. Once he could actually see it, he saw that it was a journal, with a carefully crafted cover completely hand made. It read Demonic Breeds and there Special Abilities on the cover and one the second page was a long list of different creatures, each having their own chapter. Shikamaru handed the book to Choji to hold

"Naruto said something about demons, right?" He said before going back up the stairs

"Where are you going?!" Ino asked, trying to be heard through the ruined, wooden roof.

"We don't have any bags and we don't t have any lights, we need more people to help go through all of those books, trust me, you don't want to have to go through all of those troublesome books by ourselves." He said back, the two following him carefully up through the old stairs.

"We're going to tell our parents aren't we." Ino said dejectedly T-T

"Yep" Choji said, carrying the book with him.

"No, we can't go to them and say that there is something huge down here without any actual proof. This book is proof that Naruto was right but it isn't proof that there's anything that can really help with what's going on." Shikamaru intervened. The group left, not to return until the next day with more supplies and company.

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