Red Hood vs Winter Soldier

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Hey!This is a request from KaijuLord54 and let's not waste any time,FIGHT.
Winter Soldier was sent on a mission to assassinate the person named Jason Todd.Bucky wasn't aiming for Jason Todd though,he was aiming for Red Hood.Bucky lands on top of a building and looks over the city scouting for Red Hood.Suddenly,Red Hood dropkicks Winter Soldier from behind.Luckily,Bucky grabs the edge of the building and holds on.Red Hood aims a pistol at Bucky's head and says "Game Over".Unfortunately,Bucky grabs Red Hood's leg throwing him onto another building.Winter Soldier jumps onto Red Hood launching his metal fist at Jason.Jason dodges and head butts Bucky from the side with his metal helmet.Bucky roundhouse kicks Red Hood and continues with a metal fist onto a metal helmet.The punch from Bucky was strong enough to lunge Red Hood off the building.Red crashes into a car but isn't in much pain.Bucky jumps down and grabs Jason throwing him onto a bridge.Red gets up and looks at the Winter Soldier who is running fast.Red grabs his two guns and shoots at Bucky repeatedly.Bucky slides and covers behind a car,loading up a pistol.Jason covers behind a truck and reloads his guns while Bucky waits for the right moment.Red and Winter shoots each other repeatedly,only leaving a scar on each other.Bucky runs at Jason and throws a flurry of punches.Red blocks most of them but nearly got his head crushed by the metal arm of Winter Soldier.Red Hood knees Winter on the chin and headbutts Bucky off his two feet.Red jumps on Winter and repeatedly punches him on every part possible.Bucky then slaps the living hell out of Red Hood with his steel palm.Jason stumbles off Bucky and holds his head,dizzy.Bucky gets up and pulls out a knife slashing at Jason.Jason dodges all of the slashes and counters with a drop kick to the face.Bucky crashes into a car but gets right back up charging at Jason.Red waits for the right moment................BAM!Jason punches Bucky off the bridge,making the Winter Soldier falls through a moving truck.Bucky gets up and looks around for Red Hood.Suddenly,Red clotheslines Bucky off his feet.Bucky shakes his head and gets back up pulls out another pistol.Red Hood quickly kicks the pistol out of Winter Soldier's hands and throws a flurry of punches/kicks at Bucky.Bucky was in pain.........and full of rage.Bucky punches Red with his metal arm launching Red Hood into a wall.Bucky runs at Jason and throws a powerful punch right at Jason's head.Jason eventually dodged it and they started to brawl.Jason gets the upper hand and kicks Bucky's head making him stumble..........into the front of a moving car.Bucky gets hit by the car so badly that it made him black out.Jason points a gun at Bucky's head and says "Just Like I Said,Game Over" shooting the Winter Soldier through the head.

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