Welcome To Deathcamp

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Venus's POV
I was starting to get ready for Tyler's party. While putting on my mascara, things took a turn for the worst. I didn't think kidnapping was a thing at campus, but I guessed wrong. As I unfocused my eyes from my mascara to make sure it looked perfect, I noticed a guy with a bright pink mask behind me. Before I could do anything, he gently grabbed my neck and put a bag over my head. I couldn't breath and because his arms were holding down my body, I couldn't move or fight. Before I knew it, I was stuck in the trunk of a tiny car with massive heels hitting the only area of room I had to move or breath. I was screaming for help but I knew no one could hear me..this reminded me so much of what happened this summer. after a couple of minutes, the car stopped.
Stiles's POV
My daddy's party was tonight and I had to make sure I looked hella fly before I left. I was in the bathroom spraying my finest cologne then suddenly I heard a gentle scratch scraped across the door. After it happened three times, I finally decided to open up and see who it was.

A guy with a pink mask was staring straight at me, I didn't know if it was Tyler trying to be kinky or if it was a random ass guy that was coming to take me and kill my ass.

"Haha Tyler, funny joke." He didn't move or flinch.

"Ty--" he grabbed my arms rapidly and put a bag over my head. I never been put in a situation like this...wait, I have...the green man...fuck. Well anyway, I didn't have any reflexes and in the moment I couldn't do anything but scream and hope someone heard me, this person had a nice grip on me.

I was stuck in the back of the trunk, and it felt like someone was in the back with me.

"Is anyone there!"

"Oh my god! Stiles! Thank god I'm not alone!"

"Who the fuck is this guy and what does he want with us!?" I was beginning to freak the fuck out.

"I have a feeling it might be Tyler.."

"Why would he do this!?"

"...I think I have a feeling I know who he is."
Amena's POV
"LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD!" Solaris and I screamed as we opened the door to leave, we drank a few before we left just so we could feel something before the night started.

A short guy with a blue mask was staring at us, he tried to grip our arms but what he didn't know is Solaris was a second degree black belt and it was mandatory to learn self defense in the criminal justice field. She's kinda badass.

She socked the guy in the face one time and already he was down to the floor, we both help drag his body into the door and we slapped him awake.

We saw his eyes open slowly through the mask, then we decided to take the mask off.

He was a really cute Asian boy with gauges and a lip ring. He had roses tattooed everywhere, one rose laid restlessly on the top of his eyebrow. His gauges even had roses on them.

"What's with the roses?" I asked.

"What's your problem?" Solaris asked while slapping him one last time.

"I'M SORRY!" He scrunched his face in pain.

"You better be! Now explain!"

"Did you get them?" A voice spoke from what sounded like a walkie talkie.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!" Solaris slapped him again.

"Please stop smacking me! It's all apart of this secretive thing that you attended, you should know what I'm talking about but I'm not suppose to speak about it on campus."


"DON'T! This campus hears everything. Even if you keep it to yourself the word will get out and if it does get out, it'll jeopardize "T" 's time in college, because he promised he'd stop the program but he didn't. So...just come follow me." He put back on the mask and we followed him out the dorm.

"This girl got hands...don't worry though. They're here." He told Tyler through the walkie talkie.
Solaris's POV
What the actual fuck did I get myself into. I really hope they didn't get the chance to take my sister, I can only imagine the panic attacks she'd be getting and after what happened during the summer, I can only imagine what she could be going through.
Eliza's POV
I'm so tired of Tyler trying to get over, trying to think that the forbidden word is ok. I've gone to all his concerts and I've seen the people with the no gays petition there, seems like Tye is lowkey a homophobe.

I'm gonna go to this concert and I'm gonna start a rampage with my gay flag. Fuck Tyler, fuck everything he stands for. If he doesn't support it, I won't support him.
Tyler's POV
Yes, I was kidnapping them. It was all apart of the process, new people that didn't understand how this process worked were "kidnapped" and sworn into secrecy to never tell anyone in campus or off campus. We have mosh pits in the most secluded area on campus, I made it clear to the Dean and all the higher staff that we'd be partying. They were ok with it and at times security guards would even guard the area but once they found out what's been happening, they made me shut it down. I promised it wouldn't ever be a thing, but my party animal self wouldn't allow the bad things that were happening to stop me from having fun. So, I made it a secret thing and to get the word out, we put it on the deep dark web because that's where all the cool kids end up anyway. Once they found out, we were back in business but instead nobody found out and I was making sure it'll stay that way. That's why we do what we do.

My backup is Kyo aka Kyle since everyone thinks that's what we say when they ask for his name. He is the coolest dude off campus. He was kicked out for doing this with me but, his parents now own the college so he could basically go back whenever he feels like it. The kid is filthy rich, I know it's racist but, he's about the only Asian kid I know that doesn't do so well in school. He was an amazing student but after his grandmothers death, he hit rock bottom and forgot what it felt like to be so ambitious. Now he just does bat shit crazy things just for the hell of it, and I do it with him.

He has roses everywhere because that was his grandma's favorite flower, she'd always have roses in her house and the day of the funeral all he remembers is throwing a rose on the casket as they buried her. The rest is unknown since he blacked out due to extreme sadness. Only I know his deepest secret and he knows mine, that's what keep us going. If it wasn't for that I don't think I'd like Asian boy too much.

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