Stay In Touch

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Venus's POV
It was the last day, maybe I was overreacting. As the day came to an end, I thought about it more and more. Part of me held pity but the other part noticed how ballistic I went for no reason. I understand, a ring doesn't determine how much you love someone. Emotion is what connects you. Maybe he loves me, but he just wants to get his life before he can be 100% with me.

I rose up with the sun, "Wake up sleepyheads!" Tyler wasn't in the same location he was placed before...he was in Stiles's bed.

He rolled over with the pillow over his face, "Wake up." I said aggressively, shaking him awake. My mood switched when I realize what the noise was from last night.

"Alright, alright! I'm awake." He got up smiling at Stiles, then giving me a serious look.

I moved out of his way and he headed towards the bathroom. I looked over at Stiles giving him a plastic smile, he gave me one in return.

It was the last day, I didn't have to deal with the drama after today. I could settle in my dorm and decide to never talk to them again.
Stiles's POV
I fucked him in the same room as Venus and I don't feel sorry at all. She's a horrible friend, always trying to maneuver and settle into every guy I situate with. At least Eliza feels some sympathy.

When he tried getting into my bed, I wasn't sure if I should allow him to or not. But then I recalled that he's majoring in the medical field and he lowkey wants nothing to do with Venus and her sorry ass. He needs a real man and I, Stiles Merai can give that to him.

He fucks magnificently, must I add. And the whole keeping it a secret thing made it even more thrilling, I'm almost sure she hooked on though. But goddamnit, I couldn't care less.
Amena's POV
Last night was insanely thrilling. The old man tried getting with me but Solaris kicked him in the balls, I cried at first but then I realized how much of a pussy I was acting like. He could've gotten me free drugs, a sista' needs that in her life.

They're all concerned, "What happened to the old Amena?" I hate that question the most, well what do you think? Cause totally, she was tossed in a body bag and buried six feet under. I'm still Amena you dumbasses, I just know how to roll a blunt.

At last it was the final day, I could see my stoner twins. Still don't know their names but I don't care. I just know they could get me the good shit.
Solaris's POV
It was the final day, I packed up my bags and took a walk around the city once again.

Bumping into the two was not on my to-do list, actually they were the last people I wanted to see.

"Solaris!" Jorja called out.

"Ahh fuck." I saw Justin grunt underneath his breath. As I walked closer he gave me a Barbie doll smile.

"Cut the crap." I said, "Hey Jorja!"

"You're my superman."

"What are you talking about?"


"Ahh here we go again." Justin gently stomped, rolling his eyes.

"Like I was saying. Justin here decided it was a great idea to pretend to be all nice to me and take me out to dinner and then once he dragged me in, he started acting like an asshole once again."

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