Set Free // Solaris

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Solaris's POV
Twenty nine days were here, tomorrow was my release day. Jail wasn't how I expected, in fact I wasn't even in jail. Apparently I was put under psychiatric arrest.

A psychologist visit everyday, we talked over some things that's happened in past. Even under a high dosage of drugs, I wasn't suppose to be capable of killing. Crazy, right? I can't control what I do when my body is taking a load of unexpected drugs..that high and paranoid, people are capable of more than just murder.

"So, explain why you'd do something like that." He asked, legs crossed, tapping the pen on his clipboard.

"Maybe cause Amena drugged me and the drugs changed my emotions and actions? There wouldn't be another reason."

"No..deeper than that."

"What? Like something in the past or something that's bothering me currently, damaging me slowly? You think I'm mental or something? Cause, I'm not. I was tested."

"You never know. It could happen at any moment."

"Ok, sure. I'll just tell you my whole life story and you could give me pills me to "treat" my nonexistent mental disorder." I was getting pissed, I knew what he was trying to scratch at but I didn't want to give in, I'm almost positive I don't have a mental disorder so why even waste my time telling him all the negative parts of my life? But, I gave in anyway.

"Good..good." He was invested, practically sitting at the edge of his seat with his fingers stroking his beard.

"Well, last summer my girlfriend died from's been really hard on me and a lot to take in but, I know she's in a better place now. She didn't die peacefully was half an overdose and maybe lung failure but mainly cancer. She wanted top surgery badly, she was trans. She already had bottom surgery but, for some reason she was really nervous to receive top."


"And my dad also died from cancer. My mom who abandoned me for a really long time finally came back, it was sentimental but, I'm glad she came. In the past, I used to get molested. And in school, I was bullied for being thick. I had a baby with my bully at a young age, but soon realized I was gay and didn't want to raise the baby with him. Lately I've been trying to do the right thing, but in the past, being a stripper and all..the party life has been calling my name. That's why I was caught in this situation..bad things just seem to find their way to me."

"Interesting life you've got there. Have you been sexually active? Or feeling ups and downs lately?"

"Sexually active? What kind of question is that, of course! Sex is great. And ups and downs, I guess, who doesn't though?"

"Have you been doing legal things just for the thrill, or anything you know you shouldn't."

"I'm eighteen, dude. What eighteen year old isn't?"

"Those are signs of Bipolar disorder. You've also been acting really flashy and at times depressing."

"Flashy cause, that's just my personality. Man, if anyone was in this predicament, they would be depressed too."

"Mm, whatever you say Solar. I'm not very sure what's going on but here's my card if you need someone to talk too."

That night, I laid in the cold excited to go back to campus. Amena is still getting a beating.

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