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Venus's POV
I don't know what's harder, letting go or pretending I'm fine without him. He makes it hard to let him go, he pops in like "hey I love you" then stabs you in the back and easily pretends like you don't exist then comes back like nothing happened. What sucks is knowing how much I love him, and knowing that he wants nothing to do with me. Being so dumb and knowing that any chance I get, I'll fall for it.

Stiles called my phone twice, and left a voicemail or two. We've hung out on accident, we chill with the same people and he so happened to be there. I can hardly look him anymore. His presence either makes me wanna kill him or cry nonstop.

I didn't ask for this.
Stiles's POV
Once in a while I feel bad. Most days I feel nothing at all. We spend most of the time fucking in the dorm room, his wamble makes me go crazy. Just that one strain of hair makes my pre-cum surface.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Instead of being on the other bed, he was in mine.

"I have a huge day ahead of me. And I think I'll need your help." I grabbed his hand and we rolled out.

We stopped at Eliza's dorm, "Wake up beauty! We have a huge day ahead!"

"Gooood morning!" They said perky, galloping their way to the Dean's office with us.

We finally made our way there.

"Hello Ms. Jefferson, Mr. Merai and Mr. Miller. What has you here today?"

"Okay..I know this is crazy but, please bear with me." I glanced my head over to Eliza, I didn't want to be the one to give the idea to the Dean. They were more than happy to do the deed for me.

"Stiles and I have come up with the idea of starting our own sorority--"

"Woah woah woah. Let me stop you there. You know there isn't a unisex sorority, right? You can't do that on campus. A club, yes. But a sorority, no."

"Then let's be the first!" Eliza tried being optimistic.

"Eliza know this wouldn't work. Just don't try it."

"You have to hear me out Ms. I have all the details, I can open a future door here - we'll be in the news, on tv!"

"I love your optimism. But unisex and...gays, that just won't work out."

"What do you mean, gays. Like you don't have any gay people running a sorority."

"You know the past we have. Fags teared this place down, they destroyed us and we finally came together. We're republican, not liberal."

"You're disgusting people. And please don't use the F word as a term for the LGBT+ community, we deserve more respect than that. I hope you're informed that there are plenty queer people on your campus, and we will conquer. We didn't destroy shit, we just took back what you took from us. I will have this sorority and if you try to kick us out, I have my connections. I wouldn't make such a huge mistake if I were you." I didn't know Eliza was such a badass, always fighting for what's right. Quite amazing if you ask me.
Amena's POV
I've always seemed like the friend who was kinda there, in high school I was the innocent one who let people step all over me. Now I'm the druggie who waste her life away, there's never no drama for me cause I always just have a needle stuck in my vein, or a blunt in between my lips.

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