Mom // Tyler

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Tyler's POV
Waking up, my heart already burned in nervousness. I stared at the ceiling, the world stopped spinning.

"Well this is it." Slowly, I got up and put on my shoes that sat near Venus's bed side, before putting on my shirt I turned over to look at Venus..she's always beautiful when sleeping yet so unaware of it. I smiled , she gave me happy feelings. When I turned my head, my smile disappeared, I wish I could stay in bed all day watching her sleep but I couldn' was the day I had to see my, mom. The bitch who abandoned me and ended up in jail.

I walked over to the dorms bathroom, everything seemed detailed. Today wasn't a day I was going to forget. Brushing my teeth, a whole slew of memories flooded my brain. I could've teared up, but then it came across my mind..she never gave a fuck, so why should I?

I looked in the mirror and stared at myself.

"You got got this." I stretched out my arms and splashed some water on my face.

Walking into Venus's room, she was already sitting up on her bed waiting for me.

"Good morning." She said with a smile across her face, her eyes looked tired..they were cute. I tossed her contacts box at her, she couldn't see without them.

"Mornin'." My mood wasn't the best, so I kept it one worded.

She got dressed, I was already ready. As we left campus, she grabbed my arm with a concerned look.

"You ok?" I asked.

"I'm just worried about you. Are you sure you want to go today..or any day?"

"Yes. My birthdays soon, and I'd like to know that if I approached her, she would continue the talk or leave, like she always did."

"Ok babe.." The whole drive was weird, no music, no communication. I just thought about what I was going to say, how I should carry myself, how I should talk to her.

We started approaching the jail. Parking was easy, the lot was isolated. We went through a whole bunch of metal detectors but finally, we arrived at the room.

"I love you Tyler, just know I'll be sitting behind you waiting."

"Thanks V." I kissed her forehead and sat at the booth my mom was suppose to show up at.

After waiting a couple of minutes, I saw her appear. The image of her walking passed that corner with the meanest smug on her face would never escape my head, it was the first time after eleven years I was seeing my mom.

Her hair wasn't a dusty orange color anymore, it was a deep black. Her green eyes still held the same anger and sadness, her freckles still sat across her cheeks and nose. She was still the same pale Irish/Puerto Rican "mother" that was mine eleven years ago.

She sat, we made the most uncomfortable eye contact until she started tearing up. I wanted to tear up with her, but my anger wouldn't allow me to. I wanted to break the glass of the booth and strangle the life out of her for making me struggle, but I contained myself.

"You're handsome."

"Hmm." I made a sarcastic laugh noise. It was only because I was too nervous and tense to say anything to her.

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