Spring Break pt.2 // Solaris

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"I got blood on my hands, but I don't know where it's from
I better run when I hear the sirens coming."

(Dont play the song yet)
Solaris's POV
All I felt was a cool breeze gently rubbing against my skin. My shivers woke me up, the breeze became too cold.

My body violently shook, my vision became double for a split second then I just, snapped out of it.

I've felt like complete shit. Like a thick layer of guilt and sickness strapped onto me like a straight jacket.

When my eyes finally realized where I was, my first instinct was to scream in confusion.

"Why the hell am I here?!" I started trippin' balls. My hands gripped around the cell bars.

"You're in jail, bitch." Some lady said.

"Why the fuck am I here?!"

"Second degree murder." My body jittered all over, my knees dropped to the ground and all I could see was black. I blacked out again.

When I finally woke up, a police lady was staring at me through the bars, "get up!" She ordered, "come with me." They made me change into an orange suit, then they chained my hands behind my back. One held my left shoulder as the other held my right, one stood behind and another stood in front guiding the way.

We ended up in a cell, but this was more like a detective cell were you explain shit and they write things down.

"Why did you attempt to kill two innocent people?"

"I didn't kill anybody!"

"I know Solaris, calm down."

"Please..I just wanna go home."

"You can go home but I first need to understand why you tried to kill these two people."

"I don't recall anything, my mind went blank. To be honest..I don't even remember going to the party."

"What's the last things you do remember?"

"Well, a good friend of mine, Amena. She asked why I was so down and I explained to her, she then handed me a cup of water and consoled me but..I don't remember anything after that. All I know is there was sirens, people were crying hysterically."

"Do you think..maybe she spiked the drink?"

"No, Amena wouldn't do -" I had to think about that, she did hand me water and I did black out after that, "On second thought..I'm almost positive it was her. It all just seems to fit perfectly, I swear detective..I didn't intentionally try to kill anyone. A drug took a toll over my body, I'm not capable to kill someone sober. I'm not mentally ill, I'm not in shock cause you guys "caught me" I'm just in shock because I honestly have no clue what happened last night."

"We're gonna run some drug test but while doing so, you're forced back into your cell until we come up with a clear solution."

Going back to my cell, I was sure Amena drugged me. But since we had that all figured out, I wanted to know exactly all the details so I called up the gang.

"Hey guys..they're letting me use the payphone. But while my time is still here to talk, please explain what happened."

Here's the story
(Play the song)

"You ok?" Amena asked, I shrugged. "You gonna go?"

"No..I'll pass on this one."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm really missing Blake and the camera of my phone cracked, when I tripped off the sidewalk curb last Friday so I can't FaceTime him, he has an iPad..I couldn't call. I'm just gonna sit this one out, ok? Tell the group."

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