Emily // Venus & Tyler

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Tyler's POV
After classes, I walked through the halls seeing everyone still in their dorms. Solaris was on her laptop, Eliza and Stiles were watching movies and Amena was doing yoga.

"Hey Solar," She looked up from her laptop, "Are you gonna visit Venus?"

"Uh, not today. Classes got me tied-"

"So..you're just gonna stop going because of classes."

"She's fine, Tye. One day isn't gonna harm anybody. I need to do this..I have a baby to support..another on the way. I can't miss this work, she's no longer in critical condition. I'll visit tomorrow-"

"So that's just it! Classes are so much more important than your sister - twin sister who almost died, NO - DIED !"

"Not at all Tyler. But she's fine, she understands that I need to do this."

"No..no, this is just fucked up.."

"Tye!" She said disgustedly and confused as I stomped off.

I walked passed the rooms again, "SO NOBODY'S GONNA VISIT VENUS?" They all looked up, confused as to where I was going with this.

"SO MUCH FOR FRIENDS! ..and family!" I yelled, walking out the dorm to visit Venus. Why was I the only one who cared?

After getting the "visitors pass" and making my way up to the second floor, I was laying my eyes on the beautiful girl I just couldn't seem to get my heart wrapped around.

I pulled up a chair next to her bed.

"Hey.." She looked at me, but not saying a word.

"Things are weird without you. I don't like it.." My head hung low, I was back at staring at my feet. Seemed like i'd never hear her voice again.

"Wanna hear a joke?" She managed to say, my heart jumped a bit..my head slowly rose up with a smile across my face.

"You can't speak for some time due to trauma..but the first thing you say is that?"

"You wanna hear a joke or not?"

"Yea..yea, I do."

"Why didn't the rooster go on the rollercoaster?"


"He was chicken." And you wonder why it's so hard to fall out of love with this girl.

Our laughs were interrupted by a knock. Kyo's head peeped out.

"Yo..what are you doing here?"

"I heard..I'm really sorry about that. It's really scary. I brought some flowers - roses."

"Of course." I laughed, but stopped once I realized how Venus wasn't happy about him being here at all, "Dude..I don't think you should be here."

"Why not?"



"You - raped her !" After letting it out, he gave me a smug look.

"Even her sister knows the truth..but I'll go." He walked out the room.

My hands held each side of my face as I tried rejuvenating myself, the raping situation was a huge debate. But she was there..the victim. She knows what happened to her.

"Thank you.."

"Yea.." Her hand reached out for mine, I looked up at her with uncertainty, "You sure?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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