High Enough

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Venus's POV
My heart stopped beating. My eyes were shut, my body hung loose. It was over for me. It felt as if I were falling into a pit of pitch darkness, emptiness. But all of a sudden, a sharp, stinging pain rushed all over my body but particularly my nose.

I jolted, paralyzed in a section for some time until my body became accustomed to what was happening.

The doctor rapidly took the needle out from my nose, my body still hung loose..but this time I was breathing. Tyler was by my side, and just in time my sister, Eliza and Stiles rushed through the door with a face of horror.

"What did you do! How is she alive?!" Solaris asked, shocked but overwhelming with joy.

"We stuck a injectable naloxone up her nose. It's used to bring back people who have overdosed."

"Whatever you did - Thank you! I really don't know how to thank you enough." Everyone was in tears, my body felt like I was in a coma. I couldn't talk, or move, I could just analyze the room and feel emotion. My heart felt as if it were to burst, tears escaped my eyes. I've really fucked up this time.

Overdosing has always been a huge issue in my life, I've been snorting coke since I was fifteen. Let's just say I didn't have the best "friends" I've always had a drug problem, when I was younger, maybe around ten, I'd sneak some alcohol into my room and drink. Then I started doing coke, smoking weed, and that only led up to doing LSD but, it was only twice. I've drank lean, popped a Molly, overdosed on pills. I'm actually a mess but I don't show it.

Slowly my body loosened up, it became easier to talk.

"I'm sorry.."

"Ms. Young, we're not done yet." The doctor said, "We need to do an urgent liver transplant..yours is shot. About the only way you'll get 100% again. Yea sure, you're alive..but if you don't do this surgery now, you won't live a healthy life."

"What ever I need to get better doc, I'll do it." They rushed me to the room, giving me some anesthesia and slowly I dozed off not feeling any pain.

Folks always talk about Amena and Sophie but never me. I guess I'm just better at hiding it I suppose. Even after today, nobody will talk. They'll just think "another college party failure" we've had so many already, it becomes tiring. So I wasn't worried about the rep, I was just worried about dying again and letting down my family for the millionth time.
Stiles's POV
Another death and I'm gonna get PTSD. Shits scary out here, life is a fucking battlefield. Thank god the doctor saves Venus life, "everything's gonna be ok" I had to remind myself over and over again before I lose my shit.

"Are you sure you want to wait for her to come out of surgery? I understand how hard it must be on you, it's hard for all of us. We're all her good friends. Maybe you'll just want to go back to the campus with me and check out the new Dean?"

"That'd be lovely." I followed Eliza out.

Our campus seemed happy, which brought my spirits up even more. The chatter throughout the school was always buzzing with how gorgeous our new Dean was apparently he has a nice ass too.

We knocked on his door, I tried my hardest to look formal, you'll never know when you bump into a hot gay guy.

"Hello. My names Stiles, Stiles Merai." I shook his hand, he had a firm grip..my type of man.

"Hello Mr. Merai, pleasure to meet you."

"Same to you."

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