You Thought Wrong

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~~Two Months Later~~

"Hey Hiccup, don't you think that the morning sickness should have started by now?" Toothless asked.

"It should have. Mayb-" Hiccup stopped himself and ran to the bathroom.

Toothless sighed and followed Hiccup and heard him throwing up. He walked in and started to rub his back comforting him.

"I really don't like you right now." Hiccup said panting.

"Oh hush. You know you love me. I'm just not your favorite right now." Toothless said.

When Hiccup was done they walked out and Hiccup walked to the kitchen.

"You just got done throwing up. How can you be hungry?" Toothless asked.

"Because I can be." Hiccup said looking through the cupboards for food.

"Alright. Do you know what you want?" Toothless asked.

"Something to do with fish." Hiccup said.

"Alright I'll go get you a fresh one." Toothless said.

"Thank you Toothless." Hiccup said going back into the living room.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Toothless said. He was walking towards the docks when he was stopped by the twins and the twin dragon turned human.

"Hello Barf and Belch. Also Ruffnut and Tuffnut." Toothless said trying to keep walking.

"Where are you going?" Barf asked following him. Barf was a tall and lanky. He had a perfect jaw line. His hair was messy but not to messy and short. The color was the same as his scales but darker shade of green. His brother Belch looked the same except he was a little chubbier. It was barely noticeable unless you knew them.

"Yeah, where are you going?" Belch asked.

"I am just going down to the docks. Now please move." Toothless said making the boys move out of his way.

"Why are you going there?" Ruffnut asked.

"I'm going to go get fish. Now please stop asking me questions." Toothless said.

"Don't you have fish at home?" Barf asked as they all followed them.

"No I do not. If you are going to follow me then you are going to help me." Toothless said.

They all looked at each other and kept following him. Toothless rolled his eyes and kept walking.

When they got to the docks Toothless grabbed a basket of fish. He looked in it to make sure what he wanted was in it. "Here ahoy are boys. Please bring this to Hiccup's house."

They were smelling the basket and noticed the smell was off, "What's in here?" They asked.

"A few different type of fish." Toothless said.

"It smells like there is eels in here." Belch said.

"There might just be." Toothless said trying not to laugh at their faces. They looked like they were about to die from being close to the basket.

They jumped away from it, "Why? We hate eels!" Barf said.

"I didn't know what Hiccup wanted. He never told me exactly." Toothless said grabbing the basket.

"Where has Hiccup been? We haven't seen him lately." Ruffnut asked.

"He has been at home." Toothless said. They got to the house and Toothless turned to them, "You guys can leave now. I don't think Hiccup wants company right now."

"Nope we are coming inside." Tuffnut said.

"Alright fine. It's your funeral then." Toothless said opening the door, "I'm back Hiccup. People have followed me also."

Hiccup came downstairs from where he was, "Hello you guys." He said walking to Toothless grabbing the basket and going to the kitchen with it.

They followed him into the kitchen and saw him take out one of the eels. He cut it up and cooked it the way he wanted it.

"Umm... Hiccup I thought you didn't like eel." Ruffnut said.

Hiccup jumped and then said, "Oh yeah well I just kind of want it today."

"What, are you craving it?" Tuffnut asked jokingly.

"Yes I am." Hiccup said going back to eating it.

The dragon twins were staring at him. They looked between Toothless and Hiccup, they both got a smile on their faces.

"Finally the alpha has chosen his mate!" Belch yelled.

"Shut up Belch. We don't need the whole village knowing." Toothless said.

"Yes we do." Barf said.

"Toothless has a mate? Who is it?" Ruffnut asked.

"You two are so blind. Tuffnut asked if Hiccup was craving eel. He said yes! Do you know now?" Belch asked.

"No." Tuffnut said.

"Wow. You two are so dense. Hiccup is craving eel. Something he normally would not eat. Ever." Belch said.

"How do you know that he would never eat it?" Tuffnut asked.

"Because I normally never would. Other dragons know when others have a mate especially when it comes to their alpha." Hiccup said.

"But it's normally woman who crave things when they are pregnant, we all should know that by now." Ruffnut said.

"Not in the dragon culture. Any creature male or female can produce offspring." Barf said.

"So what you are saying that Hiccup and Toothless are mates and now Hiccup is having Toothless' kid?" Ruffnut asked.

"Yes that pretty much sums it up." Hiccup said.

The twins stood their in shock while the dragons twins said, "Finally our alphas has a mate! We need to celebrate!"

"No, you will not say a word about this to anyone." Toothless said.

"Why not?" Barf asked whiningly.

"Because you didn't even ask Hiccup nor I." Toothless said.

"Tooth let them set something up with the other dragons." Hiccup said.

"I thought you said you didn't want anyone to know right away." Toothless said.

"We could have them set it up in the cove so only dragons could come. Also if they have a human mate then they could come also." Hiccup said, "It will get around the whole village eventually so why not let some know now."

"Alright fine. Barf and Belch you can set something up in the cove. You have heard who you can invite. Please have it set up by tomorrow." Toothless said.

"Yes! Also could we have it in the Great Hall? Just make the announcement to everyone at the same time so no one thinks it is a rumor?" Belch asked.

"Go a head. Just go get the word out. Just make the time at dinner." Hiccup said.

The twin dragons shook their heads and ran out of the house with the twin humans in tow.

Yay! Over 1000 words for this chapter! I meant to post this earlier but I forgot I have had it done. Sorry. I hope you all like it. Also should I post another story that is Danny Phantom. It would be Vlad x Danny and also mpreg. Please tell me what you think.


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