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Okay girls, don't you hate it when a boy(s) won't let you do something just because you're a girl? I especially hate it because they tell all of our basketball and volleyball team we suck, even though our basketball team was once defeated, and our volleyball team was undefeated! All of the boys teams were many times defeated so I don't even understand WHY they would make that comment! One day in  gym class, we were playing dodgeball because my class was obsessed with it. I picked up a ball and a boy comes up to be, pushes me on to my butt and says,"Gimme that ball; after all, girls can't throw." I started an argument with him but ended up giving in because that was the person I was. ANY GENDER CAN DO ANYTHING! Girls can do other sports too, not just volleyball. We can play soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, for all I know, we can even do football! Why don't we tell them they don't know how to show their feelings? Thats a stereotype they have! But most girls aren't like that! We take feelings into account, I'm not saying boys don't too, they just handle them WAY differently. So maybe boys shouldn't say that girls can't play, because, YES, they can.

I hope you can relate. Let's get this chapter to 3 votes and then I'll update again. 

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