Say Wha?

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Here's a story for y'all
(What's with that southern accent? I'm nowhere near the south 😂)
A (me)
K (my friend who's a girl)
Z (boy)
N (boy)
U (boy)
R (boy)
So I was walking with K while we were waiting for our cake to be done baking.
We just went around the neighbor hood, nothing bad.
There were these four (REMEMBER, FOUR)
guys riding their bikes and that was alright
I looked at them because they were talking REALLY loudly, and they looked somewhat familiar.
They looked back at me and K.
They looked at us like they knew us
Then, when one kid yelled,"YO IS THAT A?!?!?"
I knew right away that they were the boys I go to school with (I made a typo just now and it came up with accolades 😂). I could tell by the kid's voice that it was Z. Then I looked at the other boys and I realized it was N, R, and U as well!!!!!
I looked at them after they yelled at us from the other side of the road, K and I looked at each other, and we raced each other back to my house. Sadly, they saw us go inside, and they knew where K lives, so they knew it was my house. Luckily the cake was done and we didn't have to deal with them anymore!
That's my story for today!
Had anything like this ever happened to you?
Let me know down below!
Profile of the Day:
See ya!
-Beachy Sweet

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