This Kid...

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. But I have something to tell ya...

This guy, let's call him M, is really... Strange.
He's like REALLY strange
It all started in February...
I was walking off of the volleyball court in gym class and all of a sudden M punches me twice in the back like all of the boys do to each other and HUGS ME!!!! I wanted to lose it so much I almost slapped him.
Another day he is a complete gentleman to me which is COMPLETELY unlike his personality and "type". He carried all of my bags, gave me his french fries (we were at a competition where they gave us fries and pizza for lunch but the cafeteria lady took 25 minutes to make half a cup of fries), and let me talk with full attention, which is completely not like him because he loves attention.
A few days ago my school had a lockdown practice. My teacher turned off the lights before I was in my hiding spot so I was feeling around with my hands for people and things like walls and desks.  All of a sudden I feel a hand so I squeeze it and whisper,"Who's hand am I squeezing?" And guess who's hand it was... "It's M, it's M's hand." And I wanted to cry. Not because I was happy, I was mad. I sat down and I felt a hand hold mine. It was M. He was telling me "it's gonna be okay" and then asked for reassurance, which was really weird. He showered me with compliments and nice things afterwards.
Today my school had a trailer visit with lots of clay sculptures. There was a bench and then the floor. People stood on the bench so they could also see. M stood behind me. I kept feeling something poking my butt, which was M. When M came down from the bench, he stood beside me. He kept trying to hold my hand, but I hid my hand in my coat. This kid, we'll just call him J, came in between us and M gave J a stare like J just murdered M's mother. I looked at M like,"Are you okay?" And he just said yeah. It was WAYYYYYY awkward.......
Today (April 12th) I asked each individual person in my class to describe me in one word and he said smart but before that I heard him say beautiful. That was scary and shocking.

So yeah that's my stalker
Tell me if you have any suggestions in the comments below
Every time you see a chapter called "This Kid..." you know you're going to hear about what M did to me or a friend.
Peace out ✌🏼️
Beachy Sweet

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