This Kid...

18 0 3

These will be in chronological order, just sayin'

So as you fellow readers know, I sit beside M now

This morning, our teacher assigned us math work as always

It was kinda easy, it took a little bit or mind wrapping; oh well

All of a sudden, I hear someone call my name, and I turn around expectedly. I see M waiting for me to help him. So when I turned my whole body around, now facing him, he put his hand ON MY LEG. I brushed his hand off with mine, and he gazed at me. I started explaining how to attack the work theoretically. He was all like,"I still don't get it!!!" even though I think he understood pretty well after 15 minutes. He's not dumb.

Later we had to find a lost iPad and I was going around the class trying to find it when I find M standing behind me :( 


I just had to walk away

Later we were doing work when I dropped my entire pencil case onto the ground and some stuff landed under me and under M. Soooooooo I start to get up so I can start cleaning and he REACHES UNDER MY BUTTOX AND PICKS UP THE STUFF


At the end of the day I was looking through my yearbook with Larry when I see M come beside me and starts looking through it with us. He starts going on and on and on and I stopped listening after 30 seconds.

That was for 

Not to mention when he's with his friends he's a complete jerk and dirty minded idiot

That's it!

Profile of the Day:

-Beachy Sweet

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