Over I Guess + This Kid...

16 2 6

So remember that chapter called,"*Voting*"?
So nobody put wether I should keep those two books in the comments, unless if you just voted for the chapter.
This Kid...
So today we had to work in partners on a few math questions, and to solve said questions, we needed linking cubes (look it up if you don't know what they are). So Alien gave me 20 cubes and Larry was my partner. This guy, let's call him Tone, sits in front of me, and M happens to be good friends with Tone. So he sits with him. Larry accidentally knocked 1-2 cubes off of my desk, and they happened to go straight to M. So he picked them up. He gave them to me. Tried holding MY FLIPPING HAND. I died.
At the end of the day, my class was empty. My teacher was out and the kids went home, except M and some people waiting for buses. So Larry and I wrote on the whiteboard:
Write a 25 page assignment about Mother Teresa
Anyone that is late fails language
We chuckled about it soooo much
If you go to my school and are reading this DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!
It's for the sake of funny
Okay I was getting a little side-tracked
But when I left class after writing on the board M was looking at me, waiting near my bag so I went out the other door of my class
-Beachy Sweet

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