This Kid...

23 1 5

When I thought I was free

So when school ends, my mum drives me home. My mum parked the car near the teacher's parking area today, but not IN the teacher's parking area. 

I got into the front seat of the car with the window rolled all the way down and I start talking to my mum about this person, let's call them Hammy. I start saying stuff about how odd my day was, when I see M in the corner of my eye, walking home

Which is unusual for M because his dad is a teacher at our school, and he usually drives M home every day

I continue talking, when I look out the window and see 





I ducked, pretending to look for my sunglasses, which I now realize was a dumb idea because I was WEARING them

So yeahhhhhhhhh

That's about it!

Profile of the Day:


Please tell me if you guys haven't been mentioned or have only been mentioned once in this book, I'd like to get everybody at least twice

Random Question:

How was your Mother's Day?


This is the 40th chapter! With everybody staying active and in touch with this story, I keep updating! I might even have to make a 2nd book (no guarantees)

That's all

For realzies


Or should I say hi?

Ugh I should just end the chapter, shouldn't I?

-Beachy Sweet

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