Award Ceremony

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Names for story
Girl: Jewel
Guy: Ninja
So today my school sent 12-13 people to go and receive Director's Awards of excellence. The categories you can win in are:
Excellence in the effort of the pursuit of learning
Arts and Music
Physical Education (gym) and health studies
Science and Technology
Religion and family life
Social Studies
Language (writing and grammar)
French as a 2nd language
Steward of Creation
Environmental and Animal Awareness
So Ninja, Jewel, and I got accepted to win one.
Person        Won
Ninja          Gym
Jewel          Arts and Music
Me             Religion and Family Life
So we went to the board office and I sat down with Ninja, Jewel, and the rest of the winners from my school. The ceremony got really boring because we had to watch the kids from other schools get their awards. So Jewel, Ninja, and I started mouthing the words to each other, we were reading each other's lips so we could have a silent conversation.
So yeah, finally something good happened to me!
(Btw this is the 4th Director's Award that I've one, I'm on a 4 year streak!)
See ya on the flip flop (where did that one come from?!)
-Beachy Sweet
Stay peachy! 🍑

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